I hope I'm not alone in observing this trend, but it seems to me that more and more quite honorable and noble "movements for change" seem to get almosy "hijacked" by those with extreme viewpoints, mostly with the intention of turning them into "bully pulpits."
And whenever that happens, things soon head in a direction that bears very little relation to what the original founders had in mind.
Is this necessarily a negative thing?
Well, I happen to think that it is because part of this usurping process typically also means that we move from a place of actual progress of some kind to an ugly stalemate where two opposing sides are mostly focused on tearing each other down.
I remember some months — or it may have been years — ago, writing about the way it seems like almost nobody in politics or other organizational structures seem able (or willing) to position themselves on a platform based on their own skillsets and experiences... instead pouring all their energy and efforts into tearing down whatever is opposing them.
It's the primary (ironic, I suppose) reason why I mostly avoid things like politics, non-profit organizations and "causes," these days.
When Did People Become so Combative?
What I find a little bit depressing is how seemingly popular this combative style seems to have become... and it is a lot easier to drum up a good following of highly reactive individuals who are ready to wave placards and angrily scream slogans... without even understanding what it is they are supporting.
Instead, most things are just "fightin' words," and if the "opposition" said something it is automatically relegated to the realm of "stupidity" without a second glance because "our side" is always smarter and their side is always made up of a bunch of complete nose-picking morons.
Sadly, most people who get all fired up over something haven't actually studied and researched whatever it is they are upset about... how can they become that angry about issues they don't even have a full understanding of?
Back when we had our shop here in our local town, one of my frequent visitors who'd "come in for a chat" held many views that were polar opposites from my own, but we would have very interesting and long debates/discussions because he strongly believed it was his "Civic Duty" to be extremely well-informed about the things he held strong opinions about... and he was.
What I found most interesting — an laudable — about "H." was that loathed the "reactionaries" on his own side of the aisle as much as anyone, because to him they were just as idiotic as the talking heads who opposed him.
How did we get so invested in HOLDING our positions, rather than understanding them, and making a reasonable attempt to understand opposing positions, as well?
Moreover, how did we end up in a place where knowledge and truth have actually become offensive to many people? Outrage is not a valid substitute for wisdom! And believing that anything that differs from your own perspective is a personal attack rather than simply information is pretty narcissistic, to boot!
Why do I even care? Maybe because I — naively, perhaps — still hold onto a glimmer of hope that people can work together to create a better society; a better world.
Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your week!
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Created at 2023-04-06 00:08 PST
That perfectly sums the way Insee things. I've read something a while a go similar to we're going into a time where intelligent people have to be in silence so stupid people don't get offended... as you say, seems there's no point in learning or hearing different views. I don't know if you know a movie called Idiocracy. Sad as it is, although it's a satire, more and more it seems to resemble where our society is going; and as you, I hope we are wrong. Cheers! !BEER
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.Hey @denmarkguy, here is a little bit of
from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Remember when George Floyd was murdered,and there was a glimmer of hope for widespread demands for police reform, and then it was turned into a race-based protest movement with rioting that drove the nascent anti-authorotarian right straight back into supporting the cops?
@denmarkguy Intolerance is a manifestation of lovelessness, a neural theme in the reality we live in. Very beautiful your photos, thank you for sharing them.
This isn't the first time this play has played out.