It has probably not escaped your attention that there are a lot of people who complain an awful lot about life being hard.
Of course, some people are perfectly justified in making that assertion because their life truly is hard. At the opposite end of the scale some people some folks just seem to be caught in a perpetual pattern of whining about every time they experience any kind of setback, no matter how trivial.
Who Promised You a Rose Garden?
Something to keep in mind, though, is that nobody promised anybody that life was going to be easy at the moment they popped out of the womb! And if your parents said something like that to you? Shame on them!
Of course, for some life seems to be relentlessly hard.
I tend think a bit of it as being in your comfy and fairly stable boat on a large river that's heading downstream towards a 10-story tall waterfall... you're paddling upstream to get away from — at least keep your distance from — the waterfall. What makes life a tad difficult is that the river slows through Canyon walls that are steep and tall so you can't just pull over and sit down on a beach somewhere... you have to keep paddling at all times, or you end up going backwards towards — and possibly over — the waterfall.
Now you do have enough strength and endurance that you can paddle just a little bit faster than the current most of the time and if you put a lot of energy into it, then you can actually gain on it a bit, at least temporarily.
The "relentless" part comes into play when the realization sets in that if you want to take so much as five minute break to rest a bit, you're immediately going to start losing ground, and drift downstream... and should you actually have the gall to think that you could go to sleep and rest your weary bones for a while (because you really DO need rest), you with absolute certainty will go over that waterfall and be smashed against the rocks below.
The Psychological Burden
And that's how we end up with a substantial part of the population — if not the majority — living in a state of being alternatively exhausted and depressed, mixed with periods of feeling really angry and railing against the system.
To be honest I never expected there to not be a waterfall; I never expected there to not be a swiftly flowing current always pulling me back; and I never really expected to get any help either... but it would be really nice if even occasionally there was a peaceful beach I could pull my boat up onto and sit down, without that eternal awareness that if I so much just take five minutes to rest I'm going to drift back towards that deadly waterfall.
It wears you down, after a while. It eats away at your ability to actually enjoy life. Everything takes on a grayness, of sorts.
But Enough About That!
There's a difference between recognizing — and periodically complaining about — that things are hard, simply because that happens to be your reality... and sitting around and whining about it, and feeling entitled to an "exemption" from the whole thing.
You're not that special. Life is hard!
Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your week!
How about YOU? Have you generally found life to be "hard?" Or not so much? Does it seem like some people think everything in life "should be" easy? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
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Created at 20220418 23:25 PDT
There is a disconnect when growing up being told we live in "the freest country in the world" only to collide with adulthood where everything requires papers, permits, taxes, registration, and waiting on bureaucracy when it isn't entirely illegal for arbitrary and unjust reasons.
Chronic illness just makes it all harder.
And then the prior generations who erected all the red tape and prohibitions telling we're just lazy whiners.
But then I see people who choose poorly and want to blame others. People who seem to be magnetically attracted to abusive relationships. People who spend recklessly and then wonder why every paycheck disappears covering old bills. That sort of thing. Those are not outside factors. Those are on you.
Here, here! Well said.
I thought for a very long time (for years) that life is hard and unjusticeful, but recently I realized that actually it is just/only a matter of perspective, approach and attitude. It is hard, when you make it hard for yourself by your own thinking.
True. It's only about your perception.
When I started university I needed to move to another city, much bigger than mine. When I moved in I lived alone in small apartment. That time living alone was hard form me ( since I come from family of 6 and when home I was never alone), being alone in evening and mornings was really depressing for me, I thought that life is so hard when you live alone. And how time passed living there I realized that it actually wasn't so bad because I became more independent, mentally too, realizing that I need to value time that I spend alone ( and not to be a crybaby when moving in 😅). Now the few years past since I lived there alone and I am really greatfull for that time that then was hard for me, but today I know that it was a life lesson for me, and a really good one.
I found life hard only on occasions, but as you say no one ever guaranteed us that life would be easy. We need to learn how to cope with hard times in life and know that there are always good and magnificent times in our lives.
Have a nice day. :)
Yes but a proper moan from time to time does do a body good. For example complaining about the weather here in Michigan as it is too cold, until it is too hot...meaningless venting, yet those that can do it well make it into an art lol.