Jean-Philippe: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Au Chocolat! Its divine flavor has been savored for centuries and centuries. It was referred to as "money growing on trees." Truth! Mayan culture used cacao beans as currency, which was valued higher than gold. The growth of these trees was restricted to keep the value up. Regardless of the value or the restrictions, chocolate has remained a family favorite. I maintain a healthy relationship with it.

It is all about the chocolaterie, they make and sell the chocolate right there on the shop. It is no wonder my day began and ended with them. It even had a cafe attached to it, just for people like me. A little coffee and chocolat... go a long way to making me happy.

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As many of you know, I have been sailing the high seas for over a month. I left in the dead of winter Sadly, it is almost time to return to the home of record. I say sadly, but, I have missed my life, even though it has been the epitome of peace, I miss the people that I left behind, it being time to go back to reality, being so far and away from it.

I have never been on a ship that had its own chocolatier and I must say, I may not be prepared to go without again. Of course, I am kidding, each vessel has its own special something about it. Sometimes, it is the Broadway shows that they have, other times, it might be the huge waterslides they have, or perhaps the food. The atmosphere is important too. Sometimes nothing special is exactly what makes it so special. I do not need to be entertained. Just feed me and we will call it a day. Perhaps a couple of times a day. One of them could be chocolate.

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Jean-Philippe Chocolate & Cafe. The French master chocolatier gets some prime real estate on the Galleria Meraviglia -- the main promenade -- with this showcase to his and his sous-chefs' talents. The cafe is part open kitchen, part display, part cafe and part chocolate shop, with a few seats by the porthole windows to relax over a cup. The emphasis is really on the extraordinary creations that the chocolate team make onboard (turtles, octopuses, reefs), which are displayed in glass cases, like expensive watches or jewelry, in front of the open kitchen. You can't buy these, but you can buy an exquisite chocolate shoe for a reasonable 29 euros (for one, not a pair), and which are apparently the best-selling chocolate item for sale onboard. The coffee's not too bad, either. Opens early in the morning and closes late at night. source

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Jean-Philippe Chocolate is located on Deck 6, in the middle of the ship, termed: midship. There is always something going on at the chocolatier, which opens to the ship at 7 am and closes at midnight. Long before they open, they are working towards presenting fine chocolate confections for the day. Everything is first class with them.

Below is a picture that I took of a display at the entrance of the cafe. Each one of the pieces is made of chocolate, by the Master himself. It moves like the inside of a clock, always in motion. It has been running for years and years, ever since the christening of the ship, the theMereviglia, an Italian ship owned by the Mediterranean Shipping Company. The beautiful piece of chocolate artwork has stopped running with a few of the pieces cracking and one breaking off. I imagine it will be redone or another piece will be made soon. It is still a showstopper and I love it as much this time as I did when I was first introduced to it four years ago. The youtube video at the bottom shows it being made and working if you care to take a peek.

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The kitchen or prep area is full of all the ingredients needed to make the day a success! I was on board for Valentine's Day and I must say that the entire ship was sweet, all day long! :) Perhaps even a few days before that. I had many challenges posting, which is why I didn't do very much, or truly only a few this month. The ship has been beautiful, the food amazing, and the travels, from port to port intriguing, and interesting, and certainly a few places I want to go back to for an extended time.

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The talent to create this "Little Shop of Horrors" character. They are displayed all over the cafe, not for sale, but, for all to enjoy. It brought a smile to my face every time I saw a new one.

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Take a moment of peace, quiet your soul, then, open wide and let the sunshine in. This melody of life brings joy to my heart, now and again. Now and again. It doesn't take vacations or dining out to make a beautiful day. Each and every day is special because I am upright and breathing. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


And in keeping with the beauty...Inhale the magic of it all. Flowers. Always. To color my world. #alwaysaflower.

Denise #3.jfif




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Some days, it is not as easy to see, just how wonderful it really is. Me, I try to do my part. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


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Wow, that's so nice and a nice moment

 2 years ago  

You are right. I has had many nice moments. Thanks for stopping by.

The craftsmanship of this chocolate is just jaw dropping! I always say that you can't trust someone who doesn't like chocolate.

I'm happy you're still escaping the frosty air. Enjoy what's left of the high seas.😊

 2 years ago  

I always say that you can't trust someone who doesn't like chocolate.

That is great advice! :) Aren't they so talented? They spend the day creating these objects! Such perfection! Thank you so much for your words! I am truly enjoying my time, especially knowing it is chilly back home, although tomorrow it will be 80 degrees there, it is only 60 degrees today!

Hello, Carolyn! XO

What a fun post to start my day !

Who wouldn't want a bite or 10 of some very fine chocolate?

I'm glad you are having fun. I will go see that vid when I have more time this evening. I know it will be fun to see.

 2 years ago  

Good morning! I have internet!!! Now, normally that wouldn't excite me, but, it has been sketchy enough for me to appreciate it. I haven't minded at all, I have been too busy with family anyway and it has been pretty darn sweet! Not even counting the chocolat!

The video is more about the making of the chocolatier, but, it gives a better perspective.

I hope all has been going well for you! ❤️

Be back soon!

 2 years ago  

Ooohhhh the sweet smell of chocolate, I can only imagine.
What a joy to have this on board of the ship. I know where I can be found each day hahaha
I sooo love chocolate 🍫 🥰
Yep, everyday. Hahaha

Thanks for sharing Denise, have a beautiful day 👋🏻☀️🌺 and enjoy the last of your trip.
Safe travels!

 2 years ago  

I know you have a great imagination! Hello, Jackie! Look!!!! I have internet! 😁 and even a post! I almost forgot how to do one!

This was a pretty fun ship to be on board, especially with a brother and sister with families. In the middle of the year, it was even better, not during holiday time.

Chocolate. Every, Single. Day. Life doesn't get better than that, does it? I cannot believe it is almost over!

Time flies, doesn't it? @littlebee4

 2 years ago  

Sometimes to much hehehe 🤭

Yay you do 🎉 it’s great you could share a post with us. We miss you…
You did choose a perfect time to go on the ship with family. Not too many tourists… like here. Exploring the areas and it’s just the 2 of us. No tourists, what a bliss.

Nope, life doesn’t get better than that. The weeks went fast. And it sounds like you had a blast!
Enjoy the last bits fully 🤗😊
I am doing the same. I didn’t get a good outcome on my residence application. So maybe a move in the next months 😔 again… sigh… gggrrrr Brexit
Let’s think positive and make the best out of it.
Take care my friend 🌺

 2 years ago  

It definitely was a perfect time! You are right! I am enjoying the very last bits of it, my friend! I sure miss your adventures!

What?? What do you mean you didn't get a very good outcome on your residence outcome? Why would you have to move? Boo!!! Can you DM me on discord? dswigle3637

Positive Vibes sent!

 2 years ago  

Good to hear, enjoy further dear Denise 👋🏻😊
I will tell you in the morning on discord. A bit late now… thanks for that.

Really appreciated. Thanks also for the positive vibes.
I am a positive person, but sometimes… sigh…
Talk tomorrow 🤗 Bigg huggss
Good night for later. I’m off to bed in a few moments. It was a long day.

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 2 years ago  

Thank you for the tip!

I'll eat that pitcher plant.

 2 years ago  

Doesn't that look delicious? I would bite the head off of it too! Hello, Ace! @ace108! Good to see you. I hav been without internet for too long!

Internet is becoming like drugs. haha.

I see someone is having a good time 😎 , enjoy your holiday

 2 years ago  

It feels like a forever holiday, not that I am complaining! I left on January 14th and should be back soonish.

Hope all is well with you!

yeah your are going to miss all those lovely spring flowers i post 😎

 2 years ago  

I have internet now, I am going to take a hop over!

I really love chocolate! Even the smell is enough to lift my spirits.

 2 years ago  

That is spoken like a true chocoholic!! ❤️ Hehe! There is something about watching the process that makes it all sweeter to eat!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope all is well with you!

Wow! I was on the MSC Virtusio last year and they had the same chocotelier on board. Which ship are you on?

Enjoy the rest of your cruise Denise!

 2 years ago  

I was on the MSC Mereviglia with a couple of my siblings, then one more ship with two other siblings, and a short stay to catch my breath in between. It wouldn't work for a specific date altogether, so I went on all of them. 😁

It has been fun and a little bit challenging some days, but, I loved it.

The cafe was one of my favorite places there.

and the travels, from port to port intriguing,

Now that sounds intriguing!

Well I would never have guessed you had your own chocolatier that actually sounds like heaven! The sculptures are quite fascinating Denise!

So I see you said you places that you would like to have an extended stay in, and judging from your intriguing comment then I am guessing there are places you would not go back to, those places now for me are intriguing.

Welcome home went you reach the comfort of home again.

 2 years ago  

That was pretty cool to have him on board. I have been on this ship before, but, it was when it was in Italy and they offered up a 24-day cruise. How could I resist?

There really isn't a place I wouldn't go back to, the post was being written on the fly and quickly as I was expecting to lose my internet, so much was not written. I know, I should have written offline, right? It was awkward to say, I have to go back to my room to write. Ha! That would have gone over well.

Suffice to say, family is unforgiving in the way they keep you busy! LOL :) I wouldn't have it any other way!

Hey, Ed! Hope all is well with you!

hehe you gotta do what you gotta do Denise!

Okay that makes sense now, yes it is pretty rare we find a place that we don't want to go back to!

 2 years ago  

I know there must be one or two, but not on this trip! :)

Hehe well am glad that you had such an excellent trip!

Sugar rush coming on, what an amazing piece of clockwork using chocolate, would never have thought this possible, precision and dedication!

Trip away sounds like a grand time was had although you missed home on odd occasions, lovely to see you back safe and sound. Nothing like home!


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 2 years ago  

Thanks for the LUV!

 2 years ago  

Oh, yes!!! The rush! :) This is the second time for me on this ship. The first time I was on it for almost a month and came home to the US shutting down and just scraping in the port before it shut down. I had to go to a port, not my own, and take a train home while it was still running. I had to go 26 hours to reach home. I was in South America and they didn't shut down as fast as we did, so the news wasn't as off the chain as it was here.

I am actually not going to be back in the US until next weekend, but, at least I am getting better internet.

There will never be anything like home. You are so right! Thank you so much for your wonderful words, Joan! @joanstewart ❤️

Travel by train for a couple of days sounds up my alley for sure 🙂, Southern Hemisphere may lead slightly slower lifestyle to the North, in some ways not all.

So you still floating around, well enjoy it who knows when next this type of trip comes your way, as with anything in life grab it with both hands and hold on tight!

Chocolate is definitely a vice of mine. It's the one thing I go to when I am stressed. I used to hate dark chocolate when I was a kid, but now I love it. I like how it is a bit healthier for you to. So when you are looking to cruise somewhere do you pick the location and then the ship or the ship and then the location? You said different ships offer different things. Just curious.

 2 years ago  

OH! You have a vice! Chocolate is better than most, yes? I have always loved dark chocolate, but, my Italian Godparents always gave me the Europen kind, which was dark.

I like the 70%. A lot of that higher stuff is pretty intense!

This seems like heaven for any chocolate/sweets lover out there! Would love to get to see a factory like this one as well :D

 2 years ago  

It was an unusual setting, which made it all the more fun. You could stop by and time of the day or night and there would be freshly made chocolate, just for you!

Hello! Hello! Good to see you! I hope all is well in your world.

If only I'd have something like this in my country! But I'll definitely check one out sooner or later during my trips :)

Yep, all good here. Hope you are well too!

 2 years ago  

No doubt! I think there should be one available to everyone! Can you imagine how sweet life would be? :))

We are well on this side of the pond! Thank you!

@dswigle Wowww! Great you are back ! Sweets !
Pretty just had absolutely amazing experience...there! Yeahhh!
Love Chocolates...Ohhh just way too much ! so strong craving...!!! I think ...i too shud get some for myself...rightaway ! :) hehehe !


 2 years ago  

Hello @amitsharma! Good to see you back! I have only been gone on a short (one-month vacation with sparse internet) But, I am almost back home, or will be soon.

I am not a chocolate person, but, with a few well-placed pieces AND homemade, well, I am in!

I hope all is well with you and it is good to see you back!

Wao a unique experience friend, a beautiful place with key elements to connect with that peace that God offers.

The chocolate ornaments are a unique piece, worthy of being exhibited as jewelry, I imagine how delicious they must be to the palate, and accompanied by a good coffee even more, I have already forgotten the taste of a good chocolate on the palate.

Despite being in a country that offers one of the best chocolates in the world for me currently its access is limited, but it will come a good time in my life 🕊️🙌🏻

For the moment I enjoy being able to enjoy these good images and to consume an excellent verse of the word of God that completes all this menu that you present to me which is a winning combination.
Coffee + chocolate + word of God. 🌼🌷

Best regards!

 2 years ago  

Thank you! I admit that it has been wonderful, especially being with my family during this time! It makes the experience all the sweeter!

I hope that the time comes for all of us, patience is a virtue given to all, but, some never use it.

Coffee + chocolate + word of God. Amen!

II hope you have a great rest of your week!

Amen, my friend, thank you very much, today I am using my daily dose of patience.

 2 years ago  

Excellent!! Positive bibes sent to you!

Oh man is there any instant joy like chocolate?

There are 3 notable chocolate places in our small town who really do a great job. They kill it when tourists are in town and have a solid local following too.

I think I may have to visit and snap some pictures and put together a story here!

 2 years ago  

A shot of tequila, but, hey, chocolate is in its own orbit.
There are three places in your town? Wow! That is a lot of chocolate! Tourists are their best invention. To be sure, it is places like that, that make the best posts!

I look forward to seeing it!

Hello @zekepickleman! Great to see you!

Well I said it so now I am going to have to do it!

Great to be back creating content and engaging with friends again!

 2 years ago  

Well, it is great to see you! Don't be a stanger!

A lot of chocolates.. I would like to have one hehe

 2 years ago  

Haha! I think you could have a dozen, at least! They never stopped making it!

I try not to, but now I'm officially jealous. Walking distance to a chocolatierre! -insert drool here-

 2 years ago  

I know!!! I didn't even brag about it last time I was on this particular ship, but, it is pretty fabulous, Victor!!!!!! it is open 7 am to midnight, the world is your oyster! The guy doing all the fancy designs was so nice! When I was taking pictures of him working, he would cut a few pieces and offer them to me above the glass partition. It felt like cheating!

insert drool here

No! No! It was terrible chocolate! Honest! (almost honest)😇

All I can say is exquisite!
How long was your cruise for? Where did you depart from?

 2 years ago  

I have been gone for a month. Two different cruise ships and an extended stay on Bonaire. I will be back to the US next weekend.

One of the cruises started in NY, which is closest to me but, was cold for two days before we hit the Caribbean. :) The other started in Santiago, Chile.

That’s fantastic. I didn’t know they had cruises that long. I did a ten day one and thought that was the longest. I hope you had a fantastic time.

 2 years ago  

It was two different cruise ships, however, I have been gone for 32 days before. You must be on the West Coast. They seem to have shorter cruises there.

They also have the ones that go to 3 or 4 continents and I have a friend going around the world in November to all seven continents.

It is hard to do it working, but, the other option is quitting. :)

Nice to know. Thank you

I actually live in New Jersey, the three cruises I’ve been on leaving the states all left from Florida. The only other cruise I took left from Civitavecchia, Italy.
I’d love to see all the continents by cruise ship. It’s gotta be expensive.

 2 years ago  

I am in Washington DC and I try to leave out of NJ or NY when I can, it's closer. I use Florida most times as you get more bang for your buck.

I lived in Germany, so visited Italy, but mostly driving.

When you travel for linger periods of time. The ships tend to overnight at a few ports, like they do in Bermuda. I like that pirt as it is a three day pirt from NY, NJ or Baltimore. Cheaper than staying at a hotel and flying in.

The chocolate artwork is impressive. A reminder that time passes too even on a ship where it's easy to not remember what time or day it is. Arriving in numerous new ports only adds to this effect from what I remember.

Who needs the time when you're on vacation anyhow? 😀

Enjoy your trip.

 2 years ago  

Wasn't it? Definitely above my pay grade!

It is true that it is so easy to lose time onboard, but, there is no bigger reason to remember the time, except for dinner, yes?

There is no good reason for the time when on vacation!

I have spent the last month just enjoying myself. That will be a hard habit to break when I get back!

Coffee is good for the body, is time to go back home and enjoy more confectionery coffee, the photo you took at the entrance of the cafe is beautiful.

 2 years ago  

Coffee is, but, only in moderation. I will be home soon and thank you, the entrance is pretty nice. It is hard to get a bad picture of it.

You are welcome, have a great day ahead @dswigle 💥

 2 years ago  

You too!

Sounds like you had a blast, I was wondering what were all those pieces in the picture until you mention its all chocolate and in motion, that must be something that gets lots of attention and making cholocate pieces every single day must be a lot of work, btw that last piece looks cool similar to a mario bros plant

 2 years ago  

It does get a lot of attention and the clock pieces are more like a piece of art. It is done and it is complete until they do a renovation on it. They do make pieces every day, but, not for the clock! :)

Wow, you've really captured the magic of chocolate! I totally agree with you - there's nothing quite like a good chocolate. I've convinced myself that chocolate is a health food so I get to eat as much as i want LOL.

I'm glad to hear that you've had such a wonderful time on your travels, even if it's bittersweet to be coming home. It sounds like you've had some incredible experiences and seen some truly beautiful places. Thanks for sharing!

 2 years ago  

Absolutely. Family makes it rock! It has been great so far. Another week and then I will be heading back!

 2 years ago  

There is magic in that dark semisweet confectionary!

I always have a great time with family and friends.


 2 years ago  

Thank you!

Best moment exprience,,,👍👍👍

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 144 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 2 years ago  

Thank you for the rehive @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!


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Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the beer!


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I'm a big chocolate lover and i was amazed to the chocolate work fitted in the clock, the clock Looks amazing.

Brings the phrase It's time for chocolate to life!
And the plant!
Feed Me!
I want food!
Looks like a great trip and memories sealed with chocolate for a long time to come.

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I wondered what happened to you last Friday... and it was worth that wait! 👀

OMG. Now confirmed. I have to learn to do this. That's incredible, hhu? The Little Shop of Horrors thing. How do they even get the head to stand on the stem without it breaking.

This is chocolate, baking and engineering. See? Magic! 🔥
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Oh I missed this one. I could watch chocolate making for hours I think. Incredible what some people can create with chocolate