I did too! Living away from family changed things for me, but, never that feeling. It was there when I went home to visit, and even right up until my mom passed away. She was Sunday dinner. She was so old school that way. I feel like so many things have changed in how the family is viewed. So many of my older relatives are gone, not all, but key players.
We have had the mild winters too. Hasn't really snowed in three years. I hope it doesn't try to make that all up. Okay, it will be three years, so technically it is two.
I almost never use the heat. I have a gas fireplace and snap it on when I am chilly. It does a great job! I never sleep with the heat on, it hadn't been getting that cold and I have an electric blanket to heat the sheets up. :) After that, I want it cool. I Love to sleep in the cool.
Oh, your sister has such a beautiful soul. That is so fun here to do those things! Is she the one that brought you flowers from the flower farm? Did I already tell you that because of that, I looked in my own community and that is how I found the Lavender Farm and Sunflower farm? I thought I did, but, you know how that goes. I could have dreamed it. So, in case I didn't, Thank you! You deserve all sorts of nice things to happen to you because you are so kind to everyone. ❤️
Well, I should go have lunch and then think about putting together #MarketFriday... It is that time of the week,
Thanks for stopping by!
I know it is because I've been lucky enough to live so long and the things that WERE are the things that made my "growing up" years wonderful. It did seem like families were close, even extended family.
I have been totally happy with less harsh winters. I figured it wouldn't last, but that was one changed I would be happy to accept if winter stayed milder.
I do use my heat when it is cold. I have no fireplace or the such. I usually program my thermostat to help me save. I make it go down to 63 at night which means it rarely comes on if the house was decently warm when I went to bed. During the week I have it where it doesn't run as much while I am working because I close the door to my workroom and if needed, have a small heater to knock the chill off. Had to learn to work with it once my job came home. The thing is, I do NOT like being cold. I consider being cold suffering and I am not going to do it as long as I can afford to pay my bill. :)
Yes... my sister Vicky is the one that brought the flowers too. I'm happy that my stories helped you find the lavender and sunflowers. You did mention it before and I was happy to be a part of it. You have done some very nice posts about the lavender and sunflowers. You're Welcome ! 😊
Now it's FriYay ! No OT this weekend, so I'm excited for it to be here.
Woo hoo! A weekend to call your own! I know you know about how we were brought up. I have to think that if I lived close to family once again, it would be the same, but, the key players are older or have passed... that in itself changes everything. Even if one of you took up the reigns, it is never the same, but, thankfully, we have made out own that my kids seem to feel like it is special.
I guess that is one of the things I hoped for, that I could give them a piece of what I had.
I use my heat when it gets cold too, but, I have a huge tolerance for cold. In fact, I like to be cooler and have run on the warm side for a long time. Not, that, silly. I am just always making heat. I blame it on all the exercise I get. Keeps my thermostat up. I don't like being cold but rarely am I. However, I do have one daughter that is perpetually cold, so we keep the heat boosted for her when she is home. I wouldn't want to live in an uncomfortable house, and so. But, the heat is never on when the house is sleeping. I have to say that the house holds heat really well, so it is enough. I am in agreement with what you said. As long as I can afford to be comfortable, I will be. I would like to think that all this working and saving will pay off. Ha!
It is FriYay! Whoop! Whoop! I am excited too and I don't have any firm plans yet! :)
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