The Swim back: Wednesday is for Walking

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

Moving forward! The wake is the disturbed flow, although there is nothing disturbing about the fun being had. I can only imagine riding in his wake, bow rising over the crest, then slamming down in the water. It literally rattles your teeth. They spotted us on the bridge and waved. We waved back.


The custom of one boat waving to another comes from the etiquette of saluting: When boats pass each other with embarked officers or officials in view, hand salutes are rendered by the senior officer and coxswain in each boat. Coxswains rise to salute unless it is dangerous or impracticable to do so. source

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The boater wave is more than just a simple “hello” with your hand. There are rules and responsibilities when it comes to the wave, and most boat owners take it seriously. Think your fancy new yacht excludes you from having to wave back to an older pontoon? Think again! Whether you have a pontoon, ski boat, center console, or yacht doesn’t matter. Remember, this is a lifestyle, not a beauty pageant. No matter the year or manufacturer of your boat, if someone waves at you on the water you wave back. source


They gathered and we are making our way back down to Pony Lane, for the return swim home. Some walk on Wednesday, but, they are overachievers. First they will walk and then, swim back home. For anyone who hasn't read the previous posts, we had a pony swim on Chincoteague Island on the coast of Virginia. The purpose of the pony swim is to move most of the ponies from Assateague Island to Chincoteague Island, so that the foals can be auctioned. They auction some of the foals to keep the numbers of the herd at a sustainable level. If you want to see more about them, you can go to my profile and check last weeks posts.

@Tattoodjay! I know! It is out of focus, but, I got my first osprey and I even had a short lens. Boo! But, I got him and he had a fish, which I never saw until I got home! I know, it's fuzzy but the next one won't be!


It's Wednesdayhere! We are walking! As always, I want to thank @Tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk challenge! It is a challenge that allows you to share what you see as you walk through your day. Show me where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see and hear what you have to say. If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WednesdayWalk post , so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is worth a walk-through. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednesdayWalk!


Pony Swim Lane! We are there! I can tell by how restless the horses are getting that they can feel it too. Some are literally prancing, they are so excited. Lots of whinnying, that gentle, high-pitched neigh... talking among the bunch. Don't you wish you could speak pony? I would love to know what they think, especially as we take them out of their comfort zone. I have to wonder if they sense that we have their best interests in mind, they we are making life easier. That we really love that they are part of life here on the island. Do they know?


They are getting ready to receive the ponies and escort them back (from a distance) to the island. I'm happy they are going back, yet, I wonder if any of them are reluctant to go without their foals. All of the foals have left for their new homes yesterday. Finnegan begin again. Another cycle will begin.

swim back to Assateague.jpg

They come down Pony Swim Lane and go through the swamp to get the beach area. I can sense their excitement even more. It is a perfect day and for the Saltwater Cowboys that are seeing them off, their job is almost done. Rest cometh, you salty dogs. It has been a long week. They volunteer their services to round up, parade and run an auction, organize the swim and swim back... it has been a job. Finally a well-deserved rest.

Swim back.jpg

They walk them down and coax them into the water, then just let them go. Instinctively, they know the way and begin the swim across the channel to their island of residence. Assateague Island awaits them. There is one rogue pony who swims back to Chincoteague instead of going home. Mother Nature probably called her back. Au Revoir, my little Chincoteague Ponies.


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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Some try to swim back and so they whip the water to move them in the right direction. And so it ends... At work or in play, I like to make the most out of my day. I love that JJ @tattoodjay has created this day for us to get out of our comfort zone and move it around. I hope you enjoyed taking a walkabout today. Nothing on my schedule but watching ponies swim back home. And just like that, this show is over. Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again. Have a perfectly wonderful day!





The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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I did not know the whole waving thing was so formal. I am glad to know that now.

Holy Moly! Look at the dude in the back of the boat in your pic. Is he not the boat driver in the famous boat video?!? It has got to be him! The driver must not have seen what happens when you stand and drive? You know that video!

Well that was a pretty good first attempt on the osprey.

 3 years ago  

I knew it was customary, but perhaps on the sea? I don't know. It has pretty much been around since always. You will have to try it on the lake, I bet they do it too. Maybe? You will have to let me know.

No, he isn't but, it made me look up the video, just to see. He was at Chincoteague, going under the drawbridge.

I am terrible at wildlife and I don't like out-of-focus pictures, but, I was pretty excited! :)

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great night!

Nautical history, a walk AND a swim-with a great osprey thrown in? Nice day, Denise.

I've tried the ospreys a number of times (I just love watching them) and don't have anything as good as your photo to show for it. Just sayin'

Most horses won't mate when they are nursing. Add in an 11+ month gestation and the ponies have to get back to the wild to continue the cycle. Next year's foals are already being carried, but I imagine there will be a few that are 'late summer cycle'. They will be too young to auction next year.

I'd imagine the Salt Water Cowboys are just like the dust bunny cowboys I know. There'll be a beer or two cracked at the end of a round up. Just a guess :)

Motorcyclists generally wave at one another. Standard is the two finger V. For me it's an acknowledgement that everybody else on the road is capable of killing us and we need to stick together-at least a little bit. Some say the V is for V Twin (think Harley here) but I believe it signifies two wheels. For the record, most riders, real riders stop for every single stranded motorcycle. Every one.

Thanks for a great walk Denise!

 3 years ago  

It was a pretty good day if I must say so, Tom! @bigtom13 The osprey is lame, but, I was so proud. It was my first try and he had a fish!! I didn't even know until I got home and downloaded the picture. No kidding! That happens with bugs all the time, but, a honking fish?

Thank you. I was pretty excited about it. Geez! I just need a new life if a fish excites me. :) Yes? I suppose it could be worse.

You are right with the horses. Most were over that, but, a few were still trying, but, most were turned down. You really do know your equines. Most were carrying, but, the ones that aren't yet will be fall babies. They are too young to go home, but, they don't make them swim, they carry them and the mother over by barge. When they come up for auction, they are called fall pick-ups, meaning they are too young to go and are kept on the fairgrounds (as always) they have barns, stalls, run-ins, and a regular setup. They set a date for pickup and all goes well so far.

Yes! Saltwater/Dust Bunnies... turn them inside out and I wouldn't be able to tell. Just sayin'.

I always loved that about motorcyclists. I can actually say that they are the largest sets of teddy bears I have ever met. A lot are big men, tats, and camp out on the road, so no tuxedo available, but, I will tell you I know of so many groups or clubs that do Toys for Tots, Thanksgiving baskets, anything to do with children and little kids are such great judges of character and they always, always love them. Because they are genuine and do from their heart, not for the accolades or the good words, but because they can. And I have had a motorcyclist and a trucker stop for me when I was going cross country with a carload of kids. I will never forget that, ever. I'm not even a motorcyclist. The trucker stopped in at a rest stop when there were car jackings and wouldn't leave me alone with the kids until the garage came and repaired me and I was on the road, which was hours. Can you believe that? My brother is a trucker, they have tight schedules, but, he chose us. My prayers go out for him when he passes my thoughts. I didn't mean to change subjects, Tom, but, boy, howdy! I have met some of the kindest, most amazingly selfless people. The motorcyclist that stopped? He had his entire face tattooed. Most beautiful face, ever! I'll never forget it. And he made my little girl smile.

Thanks for stopping by! Have an awesome day!

I didnt know the protocol or tradition of waving on boats, thats good to know if I ever am out on one

this shot of the osprey is so cool even if a little blurry

Sorry having to so generic comments today due to some issues with one of my hands

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

 3 years ago  

I hope your hand issues resolve themselves soon! Don't answer me back! I am guessing you said yes! :)

No worries, my friend. Your hand is probably protesting all the work you make it do. :)

I knew you would understand about posting a blurry picture. It is so blurry, but, hey! I got an osprey with a fish. No more blurry ones are allowed.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I will add your link to my post now for others to click on. I hope you have a great day!

Wow, those are some really impressive photos! I didn't really know the thing about the waving. I guess it is kind of like the Jeep thing. Also something I don't own. Maybe one day I will have a boat and a jeep. I'm not counting on it though!

 3 years ago  

Hahah! You are too funny and obviously do not own the right toys! ;) Don't worry, I have so few of them.

I love jeeps and you really don't? They are probably too noisy and not very comfortable. :)

I hope you have been having a great week so far! Thans for stopping by and leaving your words!

I used to own a jeep. I swore I would never buy a Chrysler product again. So many issues with it. Now my wife wants a wrangler. Not sure what will happen when the time comes. I just can't afford any of that sort of stuff at this point in my life! Maybe never 😝

 3 years ago  

Haha! The Wrangler is the only jeep I know!!! It is a cool camping/hunting, fishing, goofing off kind of vehicle! The only people that turn them down are old people that can't stand the noise!

The jeep is the ultimate cool piece. She needs one!

 3 years ago  

Wonderful to see the ponies go back to their home… yes it would be amazing to know what they actually think.
It must be so exciting to see they are eager to go and sense it that last day. 🥰

Funny about the wave in a boat, I didn’t know. But since I had a classic mini… years on end… I had 4 classic minis so far. We waved at each other while driving. Classic mini to another classic mini.
Very abundantly 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Every passenger in the little car. I never came across another classic mini who wouldn’t wave. Even in other countries. And the times I got waved at by other car drivers… it is fun and makes a day 🥰👋🏻😎

Yeah! You got an osprey with fish 😎🤩 the fuzzy ness doesn’t matter. Still a great capture.
Thanks for sharing this information and beautiful moments and photographs Denise 🥰
Have a great mid week @dswigle

 3 years ago  

I would love to read their minds! I am glad that they have gone back home, to where they belong. It is funny to watch them. They know something is going on!

Haha!! Yes! The mini! Same-same! So fun, isn't it? They do the same for VW classic bugs! It makes our day!

Ha! I did get that one with a fish! First, try! So fuzzy, and I am sure I won't allow another fuzzy on the screen, but, I got one with a fish! So yes! I posted it! :) Thanks so much for stopping by, Jackie! @littlebee4

Have a great night! 💙

 3 years ago  

You must be able to feel it in the air… very cool. I can imagine, people watching and themselves that they finally got to go back home again.

It is indeed so much fun the waving around… yep, knew about the classic beetle. Same as the mini 😉
It brightens up a day for sure.

And I’m glad you posted it, as it is a hard thing to capture. So even fuzzy it is sooooo cool to see 😎😊
You are welcome, always Denise 😊🥰

Thank you so much, time to go to bed and rest a bit more 🥱😴😴😴
Enjoy your evening further @dswigle 👋🏻😊

 3 years ago  

I promise to try to get better! I hope I don't have to wait until spring and new babies!

 3 years ago  

Will cross some more fingers, that you capture this season a good one 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻😎
Good morning Denise 👋🏻☀️ Enjoy your day!

Just beautiful. I haven't ridden in years but as I read I could feel the horse moving under me, and that feeling when their feet leave the ground and their muscles move to swim. I used to have a special saddle that didn't mind getting wet (was it wetsuit rubber?idk) because I was always swimming the horses in the sea and across rivers.

That boat wave - I guess it's important for safety too - like 'I see you'. But also it's etiquette - so rude not to wave. We do the same thing with Landrovers - the wave is so important!


 3 years ago  

Haha! Yes! Rovers do it too!!!! :) It is always fun to get/give a wave. I remember that sticker!!!! :)

I do love riding still and we have three horses, one of the Chincoteague Ponies (they are really horses to confuse the matter!) and we use nylon or synthetic leather one from Kincade. Mine love river crossings!! Forging the river on trailrides!

I love the wave... I used to practice the princess wave. YYou know, just in case. LOL

I hope you are doing well. lovely. Have an amazing day!

Hahaha that's cute - the princess wave!!! Just in case!!! Imagine that. I'm so un princess like that even if I became a princess I'd probably give the finger ahaha.

Oh, I miss horses!!! There's quite a few horsie people around me but your style of horsing seems a lot more wild and lovely.

 3 years ago  

We ride English when we want them to believe we have class. Then, we race down the fields.

Haha I went to a pony club ONCE!!! It was a laugh. Far too uppity and restrained for me. I was a bareback ride on the beach bash through the forest hack!

 3 years ago  

No pony club here. They are no Bueno. ;) I can ride English with the best of them, but, that is only me and having a little control. Bareback is exhilarating.

And a little bit fun.

How cool is that photo of the osprey! You got it, and with a fish!!!
Bye, Chincoteague Ponies... until next Summer!!!

 3 years ago  

He did have a fish! He was also a little out of focus!!! It was a first getting one with a fish! (for me anyway, I never do wildlife!

It is not a goodbye for me! I did a few shots in one of the posts while I was kayaking in the wetlands they peruse. You won't see much of them, but, they live pretty close to where my Shore House is, so I get to see them every time I go over!

I will try to keep you updated with new pictures when I can!

Thanks so much for stopping by! ❤️

I just love seeing these ponies, and I love the colourings on them. What a thrill to see them swimming, like something out of the Wild West;)

 3 years ago  

That is almost what it feels like! The roundup, the Saltwater Cowboys, Whooping and the disappearing into the sunset.

And ponies. Lots of them. You got that right, Ed! @tengolotodo These dudes are from another era.

The best one, of course.

Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your words.

Yes the best era Denise!

The roundup, the Saltwater Cowboys, Whooping and the disappearing into the sunset.

That is a vivid description, now I shall toddle off into the sunrise!

Have a terrific Thursday :)

 3 years ago  

Ha! Have a great day, Ed! @tengolotodo

Thank you Denise, it was a corker, enjoy your evening:)

I have to wonder if they sense that we have their best interests in mind, they we are making life easier. That we really love that they are part of life here on the island. Do they know?

I think they can sense intentions via smell, body language, and voice. So they do know a little, but can't see the big picture.

I love the end picture!!! What a great way to end a post 🤣

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

 3 years ago  

:) Thank you! It is the end, isn't it? :)

I think they can sense it and I wish we could communicate, but, it makes me feel good knowing that it was in the best interest.

Please tell me what the BYB curation project is, I see it and have never been able to pin anyone down. :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Incredible post. Incredible journey for them :)

And your formatting is a work of art, woman!

Great content 💥

 3 years ago  

You are so kind! Thank you so much for your words! I hope you are having a great day and an even better week!

Thank you for your words!

Juggling madly, quite tired but totally obsessed with Hive and all this content. It's gotten worse. I think I'm addicted in full...

It's a house full of love this week ❤️

p.s. The pleasure really is all mine xxx

I love the pictures, that boat looks like it fast.

 3 years ago  

That boat is pretty fast! :)

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 118 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the repost @pixresteemer!

Felicidades su publicación ha Sido elegida entre las mejores del día.



 3 years ago  

Thank you!

Very nice though. I dream of skiing someday! That's awesome.

 3 years ago  

I hope you get to! Have a nice night!

Greetings friend, I hope you are well, I like all the way you have had that day, tremendous teaching that you have given me, with regard to the codes of the sailors of the sea, it is very important that when one comes to buy a yacht tell you these regulations to avoid making such mistakes to other sailors. Congratulations for the capture of the eagle, I thought it was a good picture.

Another wonderful thing to highlight is the amount of riders that I managed to see, very interesting to see all this culture, and the most amazing thing is how the animals cross the lake with such a wonderful instinct, I really liked your day, very much, I will see if soon I can participate in this contest.