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RE: Big News on a Small Stage - Memoir Monday #7

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago

Lol. Yes! I remember how excited you were when you first saw this week's prompt.

It's good to have a healthy distrust of our leaders! I think this is very much what the people who founded this country intended but we've strayed so far off that path.

We just recently binged West Wing (it took two months -- 7 seasons, 20+ eps per season) and I'm glad we did. It's fiction but based pretty closely on reality and it was mind blowing how much our culture has changed in the last 23 years. It was equally as compelling to learn about the inner workings of how our government conducts its business.

This next Presidential election is going to be a complete and total sh!tshow. It looks like they might actually shut Trump out of the election with these legal problems he's facing. I can't even imagine another four years of Biden (or Newsome or whomever they decide to run when/if Biden steps down due to health issues). I'm liking RFK Jr. more and more as time goes on. Even if he pulls off a miracle -- gets on all the ballots and wins the election the odds will still be stacked against him. At least we know he's a fighter .We are definitely at a very low point in our country but I haven't given up hope yet.


With things as surreal as they have been the last four years, I would not be the least surprised if Trump is both elected and imprisoned. I now believe politics is all for show, and that would be very entertaining. RFK supports some very good things, but his VP pick has close ties to Google, and he supports the continued genocide in Palestine. Not surprisingly, the top "contenders" (who could be on the same team) all do.

I would consider voting for Dr. Shiva. the first video I ever saw of his was this one which I found refreshing. Of course, there's always the possibility that he, too, is controlled opposition just spouting his assigned lines.

That certainly seems to be the way it's headed for Trump. Meanwhile we have "Cornpop" barely able to read a teleprompter or know what day it is. At a campaign rally yesterday he actually read the direction out loud that was supposed to be silent. He said, "Four more years! Pause.". Lord help us.

RFK Jr.'s VP pick was disappointing to me too. She has youth on her side though and she has a thorough understanding of A.I., which I believe will be one of the biggest blessings (and curses) of the last two-hundred years. It's going to get really wild, very quickly.

I'll check out Dr. Shiva! I've made my mind up that I'm done voting for the lessor of two evils. No more of that for me.

I'm done voting for the lessor of two evils.

One of those has already been selected as the next president. It's a waste of time to vote for one of them. It might actually be a waste of time to vote in national elections at all, except for the chance to get others to see what else is out there. A strong showing for RFK would bring medical injury (which is subtly presenting in chronic illnesses) into the American consciousness, for instance.

Now here's a politician I would vote for

I'm no expert, but I'm inclined to think that if Trump is removed from the election, there could be a civil war.
I wish I were wrong. War is always misery! Although in that case, it would definitely become unnecessary for the government to fund distant conflicts, and then our war would have a chance to stop. lol
Nothing personal, have a nice day!