 2 years ago (edited) 

Exactly, and I continue to fool myself by saying that I will read all of the books one day when I'm old and retired !LOL

4000 words that I read every day, just to keep my mind active.

My grief counsellor died recently.
He was so good I didn't care.

Credit: reddit

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I feel that is where I am headed as well. I have so much reading I want to do. And getting the time is everyday a challenge. Maybe we will get the opportunity to read them all! It is good to keep the mind active.

 2 years ago  

Flooded here with no electricity since early yesterday.
Will catch up when the power is back on. Hopefully later today.

How are things that side now? I hear about various places that are still flooded and more rain is coming? Eish, I do not know, this rain is a blessing and a curse.

 2 years ago  

Bad over here and hopefully the rain will clear a bit this week. But July is waiting and more drama to follow. Yes, we need the water and it's sad to see how much is simply allowed to flow into the sea. If more dams were to be built it would bring a great relief during the dry seasons.

I was at Stellenbosch and the eerste river yesterday and the destruction is so sad. Even if they merely planted types of mangroves rather than try and make the river bigger, it might have prevented some of the damage. We love to take out plants and then cry why did this happen? So sad.

 2 years ago  

One can see the mistakes all over and I always cry when I see the tons of precious water flowing past us into the ocean. Surely if a country is water scarce, plans should be made to build more dams. It could also be the answer to stop so many floods by controlling the release of water in the new dams.
Somebody didn't realize that the riverbanks would be exposed to the ravages of nature when the plants and foliage are removed.