I collect jars - folk bring them to me at the market - and I sort and repurpose the ones I can use. The others I recycle. That said, for certain "regular" lines, I do buy in and encourage my regulars to return them so that I can re-use them. I took a decision about 3 years ago to stop using single use plastic. As far as possible. It's paid off although it has put the price of certain items up. Also, there's truth in being careful what one wishes for, and starting something: my marmalade is now so popular that the supply of donated jars doesn't keep up and I also have to buy in jam jars. lol Long answer. Short question...
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Brilliant, your non-plastic use will pay off in the long run. For example, we do not buy if a product is in plastic when there are glass or paper alternatives.
I wish we had that choice here! Often we don't. When I refuse plastic and some packaging, I get funny looks!!
I think it is gaining momentum here, some shops it is bring your own packaging which is a good thing
They tried to do away with plastic carriers here, years ago. We have subsequently used our own for more than 10 years. Others (especially poorer folk, not so much). It's the plastic on all the vegetables and the meat. Don't get me going on medical dressings where one dressing has three layers of plastic on each side of the dressing. Why, I have to ask? No Alternative available. Fnck. Rant over.
And medicines, you used to get pills in a bottle, now in little foils in a boc, and yes I tend to shop local for meat and veg and then it is paper bags. Yes carrier bags are so-called reusable ones and they do charge if want the cheapo plastic ones. I am with on a unified rant!