Reflexiones de vida

in Silver Bloggers4 days ago

I haven't written for a long time and I haven't been in this community for a long time. Just today my friend @carolinacardozo suggested me to stop by and here I am again. Now I have found many new things, which I have to get used to. Things that I have to read to understand and continue writing in these pages.

Now, today I am writing for this community with a reflective thought, hoping that I can reach the common sense of the people.


I am one of those people who think that if we want to obtain something, be it an object, a moment of quality, or a medical examination, whatever we are interested in obtaining, we must first be clear about what we want to give for it. That is, what can we spend on it?

I mean, if I want to buy a good dress, or a good shoe and I go to the stores where they sell cheap things or products that are not branded or that are discounted, I must understand that two things can happen. First, the product is of good quality, but it has been a long time for sale and it has decreased in quality, so they are asking less money for it. Second, it could be that what we are buying is on sale because it is really of poor quality.

We must be aware that we run a risk when buying in a situation like this and that the product that is the object of our purchase may or may not go well or go wrong. Who is to blame if the object we buy goes wrong, we ourselves, because we took the risk of buying it.

Who is happy that the object is in very good condition for the money we spend, well, we ourselves also, and we celebrate it.

In another situation, if we want to enjoy a good time in a good place, we must choose a good person and a good place for that meeting. The moment we will spend with that person will be of quality and what we consume will also be a product of the best we can get. We will enjoy an unforgettable moment both with the person and the place selected. Except in some cases when everything goes wrong and it is out of our hands. In that case, we will also understand that we are not to blame for it but that it is a fortuitous event beyond our human control.

In another case, if we want to obtain a good result of laboratory tests, complementary studies or to be evaluated by a good specialist. We must know in advance that this means that there is a high price to pay. In order for everything to be covered in the best possible way, with a better diagnosis, we must be clear that we have to pay for it. Except in cases where the unthinkable happens, but it does.

In these cases, I refer to the possibility of being able to control the variables so that everything goes as well as possible. In the case of everything going well, we must have paid a high price to get the best, in theory.

It happens in the case that some people buy in a place of sale of trinkets and then claim that their products are of poor quality.

The same happens with laboratories and institutions where they offer services to patients that are very cheap. After obtaining very poor results, the patient complains because he/she does not like the results.

I think we have to know and be very clear that the risk factor is always present in any situation, but when it comes to our health, we cannot put ourselves in the hands of dubious credibility. It is our being, it is our life. If we want to get a better diagnosis, a better test, and a reliable result, let's look for people and institutions that are recognized as offering both human and material quality.


In this way, we will avoid a bad moment. That of losing precious time, that of witnessing a good scare or upset, but above all when it is about our life, we will be willing by all possible means to preserve our life. Why waste time after not seeking the best care in criticizing specialists not so specialists and laboratories of a bad reputation?

The human being sometimes does not reason properly. If I have the means to go directly and pay for the best, I should not skimp on resources and pay what we deserve with a good selection. That way we will be enjoying what we do best, and living our best life, with excellent health.


Thanks to all of you who can comment with your opinions on this matter. This is my suggestion, my recommendation, and my best way of living.

The photographs are my property taken with the Redmi note 9.

Yo soy @gertu de Venezuela para el mundo.


As you say, if we want something good we must always bet on the best, otherwise we cannot expect good results, and if they happen it will be just an exception to the rule.

Thank you for your valuable opinion. We totally agree, our first choice is always to look for the best. The casual and unpredictable will always come when the time is right.

Hola Gerry. Que bueno verte por acá nuevamente. No se si ya viste que cada lunes hay una iniciativa de memoirmonday en Silver bloggers. Cada lunes es un nuevo tema, puedes participar en los lunes anteriores o en el de la semana.. son temas interesantes que nos permiten conocernos cada día un poco más. Espero que pases un feliz y tranquilo carnaval.

Ok, gracias por la información. Me estoy empapando en los temas.