Hello. I'm Back. What Now?

Soooooo. It's been a while. Almost five months in fact. Mind you that's better than the years I was away previously. 😂 So. Hello, hello. I'm back!

Since I don't have any pictures of projects as I've not been working on any, here's a nice shot from the summer. This was the view from our bench when we took my Mum to Shoreham Airport for a coffee and a cake.


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Now. Where was I before I disappeared . . .

Day 59 of The 100 Day Project I believe.

I have to say, I'm dead impressed I made it more than half way through The 100 Day Project. 💪 Especially as the last week I wasn't at all well but continued to soldier on nevertheless. Probably not the wisest of moves in retrospect since I ended up having to take to my bed for a couple of weeks with a chest infection.

Add that to a number of challenges in my personal life that followed and the result was a complete loss of momentum. The challenges only increased as the summer wore on, the most recent one being my partner being made redundant out of the blue.

Yep. Things have been tough and I've found it difficult to motivate myself to do anything other than the bare minimum but, today, I found myself watching a couple of Youtube videos and feeling a small spark of creativity again.

Seizing the moment I started writing this post and will ease myself back in by writing as and when I feel like it and saving in draft until it's ready to go. That way there's no pressure to push something out and I can stay connected to the process as I record bits and pieces of it.

Another summer pic. This time a view from the car park at Shoreham.


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I'm currently enjoying watching the presentations from #hivefest in Split and wishing I was there. I had an offer of a free ticket back in July but then John was made redudant and all bets were suddenly off.

Even so, watching it online is sparking off some ideas of things I'd like to do on Hive but, as things are at the moment, I'm faring better by taking it one day at a time rather than making grand commitments such as The 100 Day Project.

So it's back to intentional coddiwompling for me, following what's in front of me and trying not to think myself too far into the future.

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One more summer pic. This one from a lovely summer family meal enjoyed in this pub garden.


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And for the final time I will end with . . .

You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

 6 months ago  

That pub garden looks so lovely!Nice to see you around again @gillianpearce, life certainly knows how to throw curveballs! I hope things settle down now, good luck with your 100-day project, it's not easy to blog when there's no inspiration. But, the best thing you can do is to sit down and start tapping, inspiration comes from nowhere, and before you know it, you'll reach your goal!

Thank you so much for the welcome back @lizelle. It means a lot. Perfect timing too. I was just trying to motivate myself to get up into the attic and do something creative. Your comment has given me a nudge to get on with it. 😍

I remember you starting the 100 day project. You made a cracking effort, over half way!
Love that plane. G-BOYL reminds me of an Irishman who was in a plane with me in Gabon Africa that crashed. We are both survived well everyone did thankfully. His name was George Boyle.
Great to see you back!

Thanks for the welcome back. It's nice to be remembered. 💚

That plane crash sounds really scary. 😱 Was it a landing error or did you fall out of the air?

It was a smallish plane and lightning hit us during a thunderstorm, pilot tried to land early in a clearing in the jungle but hit trees instead, scariest bit was wondering what wild animals were viewing us for dinner!

Oh wow. That's sounds dramatic. How long before you were you rescued?

Did the pilot say "brace, brace"? 😁

Welcome back after your break! Sometimes we just need a little time off :)

Thanks for stopping by and for the upvote. I appreciate it.

Oh Wow ! Sorry so many hard things have been happening. Life will do that sometimes and even knowing that, doesn't make it any easier or funner.

I enjoyed your photos, but the second one with the water, bench and weeds is really nice. I love how many things there are to see in it and it was taken from a really good angle that included a little bit of everything.

I understand taking life a little bit at a time. For real it's all we can handle is right now, but sometimes viewing the future and all the things calling to be done can be overwhelming.

I hope your creativity spark becomes a warm flame and you do some things that make you happy.

Thanks Jacey.

It's interesting how that second photo worked out. I was standing in the car park which is a lower level than the prom, where the bench is. So the angle was a happy accident really. I've heard many people over the years suggest taking photos from a lower level and I was reminded of that when I saw this one.

Trouble with getting down to a lower level, under normal circumstances, is it's hard on my knees and hard to get up once I've got down there. 😂

ha... I KNOW that knee and getting down and then back up story. I have lived that for a while. It's decidedly inconvenient !

Day 59 of The 100 Day Project I believe.

I don't understand why you would want to turn posting into a chore.
If I have nothing to write about, I don't.

i agree. The posting wasn't the focus though the creating challenge was. Once I'd done that bit I wanted to share it. The sharing it and the interactions kept me going.

Are you at Hivefest?

No; didn't feel like going, but I regret it a little bit now.

I'd like to have gone. Looks lovely there. Although a lot of the people it would have been fun to meet up with again aren't there so that makes it easier. 😁

Hello @gillianpearce

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Thank you. 💛


That's exciting. Thank you. 💚

Good piece

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