Memoir Monday #17-Childhood yearnings

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

Que los niños tengan una infancia feliz es tan importante y es lamentable cuando hay padres quienes no lo ven de esa manera. Tener una infancia llena de felicidad asegura tanto de un adulto y por ello siempre deseo que todo niño sea inmensamente feliz, tal como lo fui yo rodeada de mi familia, llena de sueños, esperanzas, e ilusiones.
That children have a happy childhood is so important and it is unfortunate when there are parents who do not see it that way. Having a childhood full of happiness ensures so much from an adult and that is why I always wish every child to be immensely happy, just as I was surrounded by my family, full of dreams, hopes, and illusions.

Creo que una de las etapas más hermosas de mi vida ha sido mi niñez porque estaba rodeada de toda mi familia, fui una niña muy consentida y eso me hace sentir hoy día muy afortunada, más que por lo consentida es por la felicidad que me regalaron mis padres, siento que ambos hicieron un gran trabajo juntos para que todos mis hermanos y yo disfrutáramos a plenitud de ese periodo de la inocencia donde no existe preocupación ni nada que perturbe la mente y eso lo voy a agradecer hasta el último de mis días.
I think that one of the most beautiful stages of my life has been my childhood because I was surrounded by my whole family, I was a very spoiled child and that makes me feel very fortunate today, more than spoiled is for the happiness that my parents gave me, I feel that both did a great job together so that all my siblings and I could fully enjoy that period of innocence where there is no worry or anything that disturbs the mind and I will be grateful for that until the last of my days.

De niña no tuve mayores lujos más que el amor de mis padres y por supuesto de mis hermanos; sin embargo, para mí eso era suficiente dado que esos momentos eran de calidad, papá era el proveedor de una familia de ocho integrantes y mi madre se encargaba de administrar muy bien todo en casa, preparar la comida, hacer los oficios y al mismo tiempo educarnos.
As a child I had no luxuries other than the love of my parents and of course my siblings; however, for me that was enough since those moments were of quality, dad was the provider of a family of eight and my mother was in charge of managing everything at home, preparing the food, doing the chores and at the same time educating us.

Ciertamente, la educación que nos proporcionó mamá era muy rígida y exigente, era una mujer de temperamento muy fuerte, tanto que papá no intervenía en las decisiones de la doña, ella era la de la última palabra, en casa hembras y varones hacíamos oficios, así nos mantenía a diario entretenidos, entre las tareas de la escuela y los quehaceres del hogar.
Certainly, the education that Mom gave us was very rigid and demanding, she was a woman with a very strong temperament, so much so that Dad did not intervene in her decisions, she was the one with the last word, at home, both girls and boys did chores, so she kept us entertained every day, between school work and household chores.

Toda esa rudeza de mi madre, la compensaba los fines de semana y en vacaciones escolares, ella armaba planes para ir al río o la playa, mis padres tenían muchos amigos, algunos de ellos tenían auto, además que mi hermano mayor quien era mayor de edad, para esa época manejaba un autobús pequeño y el jefe se lo prestaba para los viajes familiares.
I made up for all of my mother's rudeness on weekends and school vacations. She built planes to go to the river or the beach. My parents had many friends, some of them had a car, and my older brother, who was older than age, at that time he was driving a small bus and the boss lent it to him for family trips.

Yo era la única niña porque nací en la menopausia de mi madre, según dicen; lo cierto es que sí, algo yo, eran esos viajes al río o la playa porque salíamos todos en familia, también iba una vecina con sus hijas y disfrutábamos mucho.
I was the only girl because I was born in my mother's menopause, so they say; the truth is that yes, something me, were those trips to the river or the beach because we all went out as a family, a neighbor also went with her daughters and we enjoyed a lot.

Por mi parte siempre le he tenido mucho respeto al mar y los ríos así que siempre me bañaba en la orilla, mama sabiendo mi temor, pues se daba su tiempo para meterse al agua conmigo, por supuesto me sentía protegida en sus brazos y feliz al mismo tiempo de tenerla tan cerca y era precisamente esa cercanía la que me permitía abrazarla sintiendo su gran amor por mí.
For my part I have always had a lot of respect for the sea and rivers so I always bathed on the shore, mom knowing my fear, because she took her time to get into the water with me, of course I felt protected in her arms and happy at the same time to have her so close and it was precisely this closeness that allowed me to embrace her feeling her great love for me.

Me fascinaba ver a papa dentro del río lanzando la atarraya que el mismo tejía, era algo grandioso cuando la voleaba y esa red caí al agua, cuando atrapaba los peces me llamaba para que lo ayudara, él sabía de mis temores, pero aun así quería tenerme a su lado y claro que también yo estaba dispuesta a estar con él, no tocaba los peces ni por error, pero allí me mantenía, firme y observando todo lo que él hacía.
I was fascinated to see dad inside the river throwing the net that he weaved, it was something great when he flew it and that net fell into the water, when he caught the fish he called me to help him, he knew about my fears, but he still wanted to have me by his side and of course I was also willing to be with him, I would not touch the fish even by mistake, but there I stayed, firm and watching everything he did.

Recuerdo que mi padre tejió una pequeña atarraya para mí ya cuando estaba con un poco más de edad y con él entraba al agua a pescar. Él se adentraba y yo pescando tierra en la orilla, ja, ja, ja, pero me divertía al máximo, eso para mí era lo mejor.
I remember that my father weaved a small fishing line for me when I was a little older and with it I would go into the water to fish. He would go into the water and I would fish from the shore, ha, ha, ha, ha, but I had a lot of fun, that was the best thing for me.

Los viajes a la playa eran esperados por todos, particularmente yo me desesperaba porque se diera uno lo más pronto porque cuando íbamos en camino, nos deteníamos en un sitio que le llaman El Palito a comer las famosas empanadas de cazón, en esos tiempos yo era de poco comer, pero esas empanadas me encantaban, tenían un olor y sabor tan exquisito que recordarlo se me hace agua la boca.
Trips to the beach were awaited by all, particularly I was desperate for one as soon as possible because when we were on our way, we stopped at a place called El Palito to eat the famous dogfish empanadas, in those days I was not a big eater, but I loved those empanadas, they had such an exquisite smell and taste that remembering it makes my mouth water.

Una vez desayunados continuábamos el viaje y al llegar a la playa podíamos deleitarnos con el majestuoso amanecer, una combinación de colores fenomenales, los reflejos de los primeros rayos del sol en el mar, el sonido de las olas; en fin, todo era perfecto y más porque a esa hora eran pocas las personas que se encontraban en el lugar. De bañarme era con mamá o papá porque aún era pequeña, con miedo y todo parecía una mona, pero me bañaba con ellos y cuando no, pues, estaba haciendo castillos de arena.
Once we had breakfast we continued our trip and when we reached the beach we could delight ourselves with the majestic sunrise, a combination of phenomenal colors, the reflections of the first rays of the sun in the sea, the sound of the waves; in short, everything was perfect and even more because at that time there were few people who were in the place. I used to bathe with mom or dad because I was still small, scared and everything looked like a monkey, but I bathed with them and when I didn't, well, I was making sand castles.

Esos viajes al río o la playa eran lo que más esperaba disfrutar de niña. Mis padres hicieron que esos momentos fuesen únicos y sin duda quedaron guardados en mi mente como los recuerdos más hermosos y valiosos de mi infancia.
Those trips to the river or the beach were what I most looked forward to enjoying as a child. My parents made those moments unique and they are undoubtedly stored in my mind as the most beautiful and precious memories of my childhood.

Hoy quisiera volver a esos ríos y a esas playas donde fui tan feliz con mi familia, segura estoy de que sería una experiencia maravillosa que me haría revivir todos esos momentos tan esperados y bien vividos de esa niña que se recreó muchas veces y que hoy atesora con amor esos lindos recuerdos de lo que más esperaba de niña.
Today I would like to return to those rivers and beaches where I was so happy with my family, I am sure it would be a wonderful experience that would make me relive all those long awaited and well lived moments of that little girl who recreated herself many times and who today treasures with love those beautiful memories of what she most hoped for as a child.

Gratificante la experiencia de esta iniciativa que genera @ericvancewalton para esta ocasión en su espacio #memoirmonday donde invita a compartir un tema que atesoro inmensamente Cuando eras niño, ¿qué era lo que más esperabas?
Gratifying to experience this initiative generated by @ericvancewalton for this occasion in his space #memoirmonday where he invites to share a topic that I treasure immensely When You Were a Child, What Did You Look Forward to Most?

Contenido 100% original de @giocondina /100% contenido original de @giocondina

Todas las fotografías de esta publicación son completamente de mi propiedad/All photographs in this publication are entirely my property.

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Hello @giocondina

This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

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Thanks to you for allowing me the space. Greetings!

How magical those childhood holidays were.

I have always loved water and would swim in the sea when I could hardly walk. My parents were not good swimmers so that made us children learn to swim as soon as we could!

The best vacations, my father was an excellent swimmer, nothing to do with me because I can't swim.

oh you should learn :)

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