I especially love the monochrome version. I loved playing with vectors a while back. Corel PaintShop Pro is what I have used for vector drawing. I haven't done much lately, due to time constraints, though. Many times I use a gradient to fill so it looks more realistic.
Here's one of my vector drawings I did that looks, I believe, very realistic due to the gradient fills:

Seems like a lot of pixel programs have adopted some version of vector these days. Tell me about time constraints...
Your CD looks really great. I love the little rainbow shine, makes look very realistic. Great job!
Thank you. Once I was introduced to vectors, I was making everything I could vectors since they could then become any size. And changing colors wasn't difficult, either.
Time constraints? Well, considering we own our own business, and it is keeping me rather busy, I don't have the time I want to just play. My husband is also one of the pastors at our church (we moved here for that 2 years ago), so, that also keeps me busy. Once I'm finished for the day, I'm ready to just sit and chat with someone or just relax and do nothing. I stare at a computer all day, I don't want to be on it all night, too, even for a hobby.