These are beautiful pieces. One really important thing to be aware of is that there is a huge fake swarovski market. They even sell fake boxes and certificates of authenticity. I have a friend who used to sell vintage swarovski crystal beads on the internet, but she got frustrated by the fakovskis, as she called them.
I don't know whether the ones you saw on ebay were fake or not, but my friend said the fakes were pretty convincing. She tried ordering some from China to see. She mixed her real one in with four fakes and asked a few people to spot the fake. No one could except her. She said she could tell because the weight and precision cut of Swarovski are quite marvelous. However, she noted that the fakes, while not quite as good, were nearly as lovely. Modern life!
So, my point is that I would not give up if I were you. Maybe try posting them for a fair price, even on ebay, and make the point that they are in pristine condition and that your certificates of authenticity actually came from Swarovski, and were not mass-produced from a factory.
Of course, either way, it's a lot of work. They are very beautiful. Maybe HODL them. You never know.
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I think you can get anything and everything you want from China at rock bottom prices. 😉
Swarovski crystals are actually very beautiful if you give them enough TLC. I used to do a big clean up once a year as I had a whole cabinet full of them. It took ages to clean them carefully but once that was done it was very rewarding to see them sparkle.
I might post a few pieces later on, it's just getting a good image to do it justice, these one took me forever, but then I was playing about with the phone as well!!