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RE: Memories: Freedom of Expression. How Important?


Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


A big welcome to the community and to your writing adventures on Hive.

You can read more about our community in THE MENU - A Silver Bloggers Guide To The Hive-iverse

Any questions just ask or tag me @tengolotodo


started.Thank you kindly for letting me know, @tengolotodo! This is certainly encouraging, as I get

This community stood out to me sometime ago. If there is better place to write about the future for our children and grandchildren, I have not found it yet.

We cater for all silver bloggers and there is no need to have children or grandchildren. I just blog about living in the now for example.