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RE: T'is the Season of Bugs and Mozzzzies of the human kind as well!

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

Sorry you got bitten - it sure does not sound pleasant! (Hosting over NY doesn't sound much better either, to be honest, although your place seems so peaceful and lovely - I'm not the wild party type, but if I was, why would I come wreck your lovely home? Some people have no respect)

This will be the second Christmas.

It might not always seem like it, but from outside, it's so obvious and so beautiful, watching you bloom into this new person over the past couple of years. You're doing wonderfully <3

 2 months ago  

Awe my lovely friend, I so appreciate you, thank you for that❤️
It's the first time a spider bite turned so nasty, it must have been pretty poisonous.
I hope you're keeping well @honeydue 🤗