There is hope, there are good people, there IS love in the world.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago


This is an original photo from 2017

As a working Musician, I got to help bring love to light, in facilities where things are often dark and sad.
In 2017, I played a Valentines Day dinner for Southern Plantation in Loganville, (which I have just found out has become The Retreat )

Things change, but that night:

This man had a rectangular piece of craft paper suspended on his chest by a piece of yarn around his neck.
On the paper is a valentine, with an arrow, made of paper, sticking out, sticking straight out from his chest.
He said he and his wife had been married 65 yrs. They were the only 'couple' to get up and dance, and each time I went over to stand near because she was so very frail (I am also a CNA and Caregiver).
I think they danced three times. Wonderful memories for them and me.

I think it unlikely they are still living, but

they had a long life together in love it seems.

Currently in the North East USA, there have been days of heavy snow and power outages.
My friend Ed, a retired, disabled RN, recovering from foot surgery, took in an acquaintance to his one bedroom apartment, which he shares with 2 or 3 cats.
He said:

I had overnight company that is still asleep. I slept on a crappy couch that I wouldn't let anyone sleep on.
I've known her since 3rd Grade and she has no power or heat and seriously needed a place to stay.
So, I did my good deed and said sure come here. She is hearing impaired not that, that makes any difference.
She has her own place but no power and has a mini service dog. I couldn't let them freeze that's for sure. I'm hoping that she wakes up soon as I have to get ready for the RN who is coming at 10:00 am and I know she wants to take a hot shower. It's kind of funny a dog the size of my fat Tigger and my friend Jenn here all at once. She used to be an actress. You can find her on IMDB under Jennifer Delora. She made quite a few B movies back in the day.
Of course a lot of it is a bunch of hype. She is now on SSD and doesn't have a motorcycle. Lucky if she has 2 nickles to rub together however, she does teach ASL Classes at our Community College and on Zoom.

So you see, there are still good people, who will share what they have with those who have less.

If you watch the Lamestream Media, and you don't realize you are being fed the same stupid byline over and over by all the different media outlets, you really just might lose hope, and be more willing to take a gun and follow suit with all the other crazies that are reported, but if you look around you will see good people willing to help each other.

Source unknown

Just a few days ago, I stopped into a local TV repair shop,Johnson Electronic Repair (GASP! They still have those? YEP!) the fellow running the shop repaired a dimmer switch in the cord to a lamp for me.
He spent about 20 minutes, checking continuity etc, then soldering across a couple of points on a small circuit board.
He did not charge me a penny, and we shared a bit of chat while he worked.
I will be seeking him out whenever I can send more business his way.


Take heart my friends, these are just three examples from my personal life, There are examples of this all around you. Be well, do good works.

"Helping others is good for your soul"

Jerry E Smith
the image at top was taken with my cellphone I think,
Regardless of the camera, it is an original image.



Yep, exactly as we already spoken about "there are still good people around, who will share what they have with those who have less".

What an absolutely brilliant post Jerry. There are some amazing and awesome people in the world.
Helping others is indeed good for your soul. Something I do whenever I can.

 3 years ago  

Thank you @tengolotodo, I am glad to meet another one who likes to have their soul nurtured

I do and love it @jerrytsuseer , and it happened today, would you mind if I quote you in a post I am writing?

 3 years ago  

Not at all, and being cited as a source would be nice, but not required @tengolotodo

I appreciate that, thank you!

yep.. there are still good people out there who have a big heart to help... I just hope they continue to grow infect other people of their kindness

 3 years ago  

Thank you eylz619, I hope so too

Yes, there are still good people in the world! I am acquainted with several. How's it going for you? I haven't checked in on your blog for a month. Been busy with grandkids. Been sick, too, but better now. Haven't felt inspired to write a post for ages.

 3 years ago  

I'm up, medicated, dressed and beginning my second cup

I've been doing a buncha nuthin', piddling in the house, redoing the window treatments in my bedroom TWICE (check out behind me in the short video for comparison)
↑First iteration↑
↓Then Now↓
I've put up curtains in the kitchen and front bath, put up a TP holder in my bath, (probably get the one up front done today)
I bought an old sewing machine!
No more bumming other people to hem my pants etc... And, I cleaned up and reset the middle bedroom (after they replaced my furnace for the second time in 8 months)
Got me a selfie in there

You have had lots of projects going on! Are you already familiar with sewing machines, or are you learning how to sew right now?

 3 years ago (edited) 

Mama was given a brand new Singer machine just after I was born, she made a quilt top, then pretty much left it alone, but it was always set up in one room or another.
I fooled with it, I watched her or my niece when they used it, so I am familiar with the basic functions and methods of employ.
Good to 'see' you @scribblingramma ❤️

 3 years ago  

I have been busy too, not posting as much as usual.
I'm in bed right now but I will try to get back to you in a couple hours


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This is a great post! As a special "Thank You" for your contribution to our community, it has been upvoted and reblogged from the community account.


 3 years ago  

Thank you @mondoshawan aka #silverfish, and to the #Silverbloggers community

Helping others without expecting anything in return is nourishment for our souls and for our own well-being. And yes, fortunately, there are still good people in this world and the best thing is that we can try to surround ourselves with them.

Have a happy week!

 3 years ago  

Thank you @coquincoin, I wish you a happy and healthy week as well



This is a Thoughtful Daily Post... I let a lot of posts go, that probably don't fit my guidelines; it is my community after all. Some don't fit to me, but I'm not a mute person unless it's pretty bad (you know what I mean, I'm sure). So I just don't curate them.

These memories, and events that you show, remind me of my upbringing. When times were better... didn't say thing's "weren't" bad. But we had Ctisco, and Lawrence Welk! Lol...

Look forward to more posts like this...

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 3 years ago  

Not sure what "Ctisco" is, but we had the "Welkster" and we had "The Stonemans" and we had (Gasp!) "Porter Wagoner" (saw Dolly Parton's first performances there.)
Mama and Daddy would dance in our living room Saturday nights with Lawrence, and we had Ed Sullivan and "The Wonderful World of Disney" in Living color on Sunday evenings.
I thought at the time, that most of it was horribly hokey, now I look back on it all with very fond and nostalgic memories

Good morning Jerry,
Thank you for sharing these beautiful stories with us.

So you see, there are still good people, who will share what they have with those who have less.

Indeed, just for the sake of helping another in need :) "Helping others is good for your soul" For sure!

The local TV repair shop guy sounds like a person I would want to bring repeat business to as well. It's nice to know you have some great people in your town like this :)

I hope you have a nice day ahead my friend.

 3 years ago  

Thank you Jacob my friend. I just got back and as always, the sheer magnitude of the VA's ineptitude is staggering.
For 10 days, I've been messaging about these blood test, 10 days ago via video, my PCP said I needed to come in and get this done.
I got there, and there were no orders in for these tests.
I had to wait a total of 45 min, in a waiting room that (according to them, which is the reason my PCP switched from an IN PERSON meeting to Video) was rife with infection.
There were 5 people including me. Such a petri dish, don't you think?

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