Wonderful way to welcome in the new year, taking little account of oneself, how to stop frustrating ourselves by pushing continuously.
Miss Molly and her pink tongue snaps are cute, little old lady enjoys the attention.
Wife knows to allow you to chose the gift, fixing the Jeep ready to rock and roll come summer months, a few more gorgeous sunsets and you will be there....
Thank you for the awesome note. Yes I CAN NOT wait for summers return. The gloom, cold, and short days need to take a hike.. but that would mean winter for you.. We don't want that just yet. lol.
Molly, Molly, Molly.. And that Tongue!!! hehe. She is a cutie pie though.
I would take winter in a heart beat, switch cannot come soon enough! Little old lady still knows how to turn up the charm.
Oh yeah she does! lol 😄