Thought Process
Early adulthood we chase after our dreams, careers, family and a home, insuring a balance somewhat in keeping ones head above water financially speaking.
Yet when our children are young should we not be spending much more time with expanding their thinking into sustainable living and lifestyle twenty years from now, along with the basics of survival as we know it.
When outdoors watching the Weaver birds preparing for new next season, my mind veered to the thought that as humans we tend to live in a season lingering longer perhaps than we should.
Teaching the next generation is normally watching parents closely, learning by example. Being an Accountant, Doctor, Engineer does not lean toward children learning a love of what you find exhilarating as a career path.
Exposing development at an early age opening thought processes, I am not referring to computers or TV. More outings where learning first hand from people in a variety of professions touching on geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy, too often parents are wrapped up in their careers, sometimes topics briefly touched on during schooling years.
Watching the weavers practice, learning knots to kick-start the nest building, made "perfect by practice" I am sure they watched adults from young to learn. Once the elementary idea is sown, computers, microscopes all the tools used will follow naturally.
A brief thought watching the birds, how much do we squander our lives away perhaps never entering into what may have brought about more awareness of what is available had the opportunity been offered to one when young. Planting seeds to grow a future not worrying about today but about tomorrow with rational thinking.
Is time being wasted chasing ideas flouted in modern society of not farming due to green house gas from agriculture processes or cows farting. Not using energy we have used for millennia, are we chasing pipe dreams to make a few rich, is the thought process founded.
We all have certain basic requirements in food, water, shelter, education supplied in a variety of ways many think are now outdated, we have survived thus far, how much further are we as a species going to be able to survive sustainable living?
Pollution in light, sound, radiation, plus many more unseen need to be addressed, each questioned along the way not poking specifics, adjusting usage at a personal level may be a good answer to start now!

All photography is my own using a Canon PowerShot SC730 HS, resized for easier loading, writing is my own.
Thought for Today: "What reveals a man is his behavior in time of hunger." - African Proverbs

you are certainly surrounded by beautiful birds animals and flowers n stuff
Plenty to see and do, when a person mentions being bored, I strongly suggest the 6' x 3' start digging you have become and oxygen thief....
one life, live it, too many folk go to their graves regretting what they have missed.
Some words to ponder for young parents or the likes of me hoping to have a family someday. I think creating a balance with kids as they learn from us is vital, unfortunately, the rat race keeps parents too busy that they hardly have time for kids.
Beautiful photos.
Taking a child to planetarium, farm, laboratories where educational tours are allowed gives much better perspective about life.
Parents are totally overburdened today juggling life itself, then forget importance of guiding the young ones for their future.
!LUV thanks for support and visiting, hope you survived the extreme storms up there yesterday.
(6/10) sent you LUV.
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I missed the storm lol, I was away in Rustenburg fixing the endless snags but I could tell it was heavy rain when I got back to Joburg due to some flooded paths of the road.
Lucky not caught in the middle of that, trees looked like they had been through a shredding machines in some places.
Lol, shame I hope properties are not damaged
Some mentioned tiled roofs and windows, brutal storm by what was shown in the news.
Excellent read. Nature has so many answers for us, all the answers we need.
We have been told that we must attend schools and learn from experts, or we will fail as humans. This is false. If anything our reliance on others blinds us to our own innate understandings. Perhaps we too could make a knot suitable for a nest if we thought we could do that without a college degree in knot making. I'm stretching my metaphor here, but I think you get the picture.
We have been taught that we are born empty vessels that need filling, or we will remain empty. In fact, we are born powerful and intelligent beyond measure.
And yeah, reduce your exposure to toxins!!! Start right this minute! Begin by simply turning off your cell phone, or at least moving it a few feet away from you. Turn off your routers at night, or better yet, hardwire your computer and leave the router off. Go for walks in nature, without your phone. You'll be amazed by how much smarter you are when you do these few things.
Teachers try their best within formal education, mostly I remember outside of school activities taught, stars by my father in the garden with a telescope, staying at farms with relatives doing daily tasks allotted, history or cultural tours organized through schools during holidays.
Visits to planetarium, touring miniature mine shaft where gold was poured showing processes, events that don't leave ones memory when still under the age of 10.
This type of exposure one has to seek out, which I must say we were most fortunate. We grew up without much of what is here today, problematic in throw away world. As for phones and devices they remain a one room unless required for specific reason.
Nature will win at the end of the day, will we have sufficient knowledge to survive?
What a beautiful read it is.
Being still young child of my mom can say she maintained the balance along had taught everything from basic, independent mindset and set me free to Go out and see things from different perspective. Adapt, learn or more.
I would say this post of your is so thoughtful more enough to read twice or more!
Knowledge is power, seeing variety of ideas when young we soak information in more efficiently, not everything is taught from a school book.
Looking back in history most had no formal training yet many inventions were forthcoming.
Thanks for visiting and kind comment.
Perfectly Said! Agree with you.
Pleasure and Glad to came across this brilliant content.
Looking forward to see more. Wish you a Great day and week ahead. !PIZZA
Thanks Team @qurator and have a wonderful day @ewkaw visit greatly appreciated.
oh nice pic!
Thanks for kind comment, have a great day !LUV
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thank you
I have always said that we can learn so much from the animals, and you captured the weavers perfectly!
!LUV it
(1/5) sent you LUV.
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Very busy they are, females come to check, may rip it down, or he simply losses that gal!
Thanks for visiting, power up/down here in the South see me when and if.... 🙃
hehe yeah those females, they are demanding🤣
So they should be, some lessons to be learned.... not so?
I am fascinated by the bird tying knots. Lovely captures of the weaver bird, Joan,
They are so clever with knotting, this was a practice run before going to the big tree which offers much more safety for them from predators.