 2 years ago  

I know that you are an honest guy and every now and then the mountain goat tricks come out, but we have to have fun on here.
Everyone here is walking around with long faces, as the power cuts have a psychological, negative influence on everyone, but we simply battle on with a smile.😊

Cheers and thanks.

Right, we have to have fun and the mountain goat tricks aren't that bad, or are they 😂 !LOLZ

I just said in the other comment that I wouldn't take the power cuts as easy as you do, and I am sure that my face would be as long or even longer than your people over there.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

 2 years ago  

Right I am back and hello Hannes,

Oh no, instead I love the mountain goat tricks 🤣 !LOLZ

A difficult thing to cope with my friend and if it was only the power cuts and the losses to the economy to cope with, we could manage. The sad thing is that criminals also see the power cuts as a bonus, as all alarms and lights are switched off. So one has to be very careful and it creates added stress.

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac,

now I'm glad because I thought I have to start behaving myself 😂 !LOLZ

Oh yes, I forgot about these bad guys who take advantage of the darkness to steal hard earned things from honest people. Luckily we don't have an alarm, so this will not be a problem ... and luckily there's nothing valuable to find here.
Sarkasm aside, it must be a really stressful situation when you are at home in the dark and someone could break in your house at any time.

Hope you have had a lovely Sunday afternoon although there was no power 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

 2 years ago  

Hi Hannes,

Sorry, but the power cuts prevent me from both posting and still doing the replies on time.

No, I don't like to have friends that behave themselves, as that is not normal 🤣 !LOLZ

Danger is all around these days, even in broad daylight and one has to keep an eye out constantly. We have a great method, as we move together and Marian watches my back when I take photos.
She has a panic button and she has already warned me a few times when shady characters, especially at the beach, try to get close to me.
Pray that you guys will never get into a situation like this my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

Hi again Zac,

posting is more important for you, I believe, so forget the replies - they can be done later.

Right, we don't want to be normal 😂 !LOLZ

That doesn't sound good to me - it's like situations we only see in movies. Maybe in our big cities like Vienna or in some foreign countries I would also take care and have a look at the people around me. But of course, we have criminals here too, and you're certainly not safe when you walk through the town at night.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

 2 years ago  

Hi again Hannes,

Yes, I do the posting as a priority, but I also see the replies as important and if I leave some for later then I will be building a mountain of replies. Not only that, but people will start to think that I don't regard their efforts as important and they will not be happy. It is a fine balance as you well know 😉

Normal is for normal people and I know that we will get sick if we try to become normal people. I have tried once and I almost died 🤣 !LOLZ

Yes, you know your local turf and it sounds very sedate. One of the major troubles here is that criminals from other areas travel around in cars in the neighborhoods and they strike when they see a car pulling out from a house. Now I don't want to tell you what they do, as it ends up in a terrible situation.
Such is life here my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

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