When I feel a chill, I put on one of my cardigan sweaters and brew up a nice cup of tea. Sounds like you got a lot on your mind other than posting, meanwhile, I am trying to maintain what ability I have left to type comments. My attention span seems much shorter nowadays.
Hmmm, I miss having a purring cat on my lap.
Having a piece of confort clothing is a must. I keep a beanie cap next to my chair to place on my head sometimes. Also, there is an old blanket my wife received when she was 13 years old that I cover my legs with. Tea sounds good, but I have a nice cup of coffee next to me right now. Most likely it is the reason my sleep is so sporadic all the time.
Yes, there are some things on my mind, but not so much the potential surgery. They are more personal and related ot family. Maybe when the time comes and the angst wears off, I will talk about it here.
The last three months I have been absent from Hive and the Discords. But don't let my absence, nor my silence mean I don't think about many of my firends here, of which I consider you one. Did you lose your cat? If so I am so sorry. Pets are such a comfort and wonderful confidants.
Peace my friend,