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Today a day of remembrance. I have always thought that education is a beautiful profession that forms human beings for society.This week #37 asks us to write about a favorite teacher.
Hoy un día de memoria. Siempre he pensado que la educación es una profesión hermosa que forma a seres humanos para la sociedad.Esta semana # 37 nos pide escribir sobre un profesor favorito.
In my country many years ago, the teaching profession was one of the best paid and many people wanted to get a job in the public administration of my country. I was one of those people who managed to become a teacher. I never thought of becoming a teacher, but as life happens, this is my profession and I really like it. I don't know if any student will remember me, but what I know is that I give my best every day.
En mi país muchos años atrás, la profesión docente era una de las mejores pagadas y muchos personas deseaban conseguir un trabajo en la administración pública de mi país. Yo fui una de esas personas que logro ingresar a ser profesor. Les cuento nunca pensé ser docente; pero por cosas de la vida, esa es mi profesión y me gusta mucho. No sé si algún estudiante me recordará, pero lo que se es que doy lo mejor de mi cada día.
Focusing on the topic, if I had a teacher who owes an imprint on me and with this topic I remember him. Well as I told you my profession is a teacher in the computer area; then my academic curriculum was quite strong and there was a lot of mathematics; wow I would say it was too much 😄. These subjects were a filter to be able to advance. I remember seeing algebra for the first time; and I flunked.
Enfocándome al tema, si tuve un profesor que debe una huella en mi y con este tema lo recuerdo. Bueno como les dije mi profesión es profesora del área informática; entonces mi pensum académico era bastante fuerte y se veía mucha matemática; guao diría que era demasiado 😄. Estás materias eran un filtro para poder avanzar. Recuerdo ví por primera vez álgebra ; y reprobé.
When it was my turn to re-enroll in the course, I was left with a teacher I had and a reputation for being very strong. I really didn't want to fail again because that would put me even further behind. I did everything I could to change and I didn't succeed. I had no choice but to take algebra with Mario Arriechi. Because of his last name, they said he was very strong.
Cuando me tocó volver a inscribir la materia, quedé con un profesor que tenía y una reputación de que era muy fuerte. La verdad no quería reprobar de nuevo porque eso me atrasaría aún más. Hice de todo para cambiarme y no lo logré. No me quedo otra que ver álgebra con el profesor Mario Arriechi. Por el apellido decían que eran muy fuerte.
The truth is that I will always remember it, since it left in me a very big learning, not only of algebra but a learning of life. Where we must face challenges and look for ways to succeed and not run away.
Lo cierto es que siempre lo recordaré, ya que dejo en mi una aprendizaje muy grande, no solo de la álgebra sino un aprendizaje de vida. Dónde debemos enfrentarnos a retos y buscar la manera de salir airoso y no huir .
This teacher had an excellent pedagogy to teach algebra, I began to like this subject very much, besides I could not allow myself to fail again. I remember I only had Sunday afternoon to study, and I had to do a lot of exercises to be prepared when I would be evaluated.
Este profesor tenía una pedagogía excelente para enseñar álgebra, empezó a gustarme mucho esta materia, además no podía permitir reprobar de nuevo. Recuerdo solo tenía el domingo por la tarde para poder estudiar, y eso realizar muchos ejercicios para estar preparada cuando me evaluarán.
This subject was a challenge and I managed to pass with one of the best grades. I thank this teacher Mario Arriechi, who showed me that he was not what they said about him. He was an excellent teacher.
Está materia fue un reto y logré aprobar con una de las mejores notas. Esto se lo agradezco a este profesor Mario Arriechi, que me demostró que no era lo que decían de el. Más bien fue un excelente profesor.
It was so much that I liked how this teacher explained and applied strategies that I enrolled in linear algebra with him. It was an experience I will never forget.
Fue tanto que me gustó como este profesor explicaba y aplicaba estrategias que inscribí álgebra lineal con el. Fue una experiencia que nunca voy a olvidar.
What I thought was difficult was not so, and thanks to my teacher I passed with excellent grades. This is a beautiful memory of my time at the university. I will always remember my teacher. Mario Arriechi.
Lo que creía que era difícil; no fue así, y gracias a mi profe pase con excelente notas. Este es un hermoso recuerdo de paso por la universidad. Siempre recordaré al profe. Mario Arriechi.
I bid you farewell and see you at a later date.
Photographs are my property
Translator used Deelp
Me despido y nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad
Fotografías son de mi propiedad
Traductor utilizado Deelp
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Our teachers contributed much to our lives. Thank God we have a way of remembering them through #memoirmonday by @ericvancewalton
If you really these memories that I share, have made me remember good times. The best will be recorded here in hive. It's good that this weekly initiative exists
Thank you very much for the support
My house-craft teacher left a good impression in my mind, also many years ago. I still implement many of her teachings over the years in my own home.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Have a wonderful day.Hello @lisbethseijas I'm sure you have left a good impression on many of your students judging by the lovely post you have written.
Leaving good traces in a student is something quite rewarding. It is beautiful to be remembered for the learning you left in them. Remembering my teacher was excellent. Greetings and thanks for stopping by my publication.
You're welcome @lisbethseijas, go well and have a blessed day.
Cuando uno es estudiante piensa que algunos profesores son fuertes y resulta que te exigen más como estudiantes para que realmente aprendan y desarrollen la capacidad de solucionar problemas, te felicito, saludos.
Gracias, realmente fue una buena experiencia que nunca voy a olvidar. Saludos