I do subconscious reprogramming for people in a way that affects the mind and body to the point they heal. And they don't have to do much of anything. I do most of the work. It's kind of magical. But it's not for everyone. So I'm not offended if you aren't interested. Just thought I'd offer.
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We tried a few modalities of the woo woo variety (no offense I hope, I believe deeply in your type of healing) of stuff. He isn't interested and won't participate at all. Does he have to know? Is it beneficial if the patient doesn't know? Some of the stuff we tried was. For a long time I used a medical intuitive, and I like to tell the story of the first treatment.
He would not drink anything. Nothing. This had been going on for months. I was keeping track of how much water passed his lips, and it was pulling teeth to get an ounce into him.
At my first meeting with the intuitive she asked "What is the biggest problem?" I told her it was that he would not drink water. She muscled tested (long distance) the various waters in my house, then her water, then all water, and discovered he was "allergic to water." Then she said "don't worry, I can clear that."
Sometime later she told me the first treatment was done. I walked upstairs with a glass of water and he chugged it all down. He has not had a problem with water ever since. He drinks a lot of it in fact, and nothing else.
We worked with her for about a year, without his knowing, to great effect emotionally. When I told him about her, he was pissed, and the treatments stopped being of any benefit. Now, he is determined to treat himself, which I am honoring of course.
I appreciate the offer very much!
I am impressed you got the water allergy removed. I do things like that, only on a little deeper of a level. And yes, it is "woo woo". LOL. No offense taken. It's woo woo.
As a general practice, I am always reflecting goodness and healing toward and through and for others in my experience. So in that regard, no, he does not need to be aware. However, when it comes to me doing specific work, to help a specific someone, regarding a specific thing, I do prefer they know what I am doing for them, if they are able to be accountable for themselves.
My reasoning is, if a person wants to be sick, or remain in the frequency that creates sickness or turmoil, they should be entitled to do so. There are multiple reasons we stay in certain belief patterns and frequency levels that appear to be causing us pain and discomfort. MOST of the time it has to do with protecting ourselves from what might surface if we remove them. In some cases, being unwell serves as a cushion or a barrier that covers up the prickly barbs that poke beneath it. When we remove the cushion, we may have to sit upon barbs.
For example, I have an injury in my foot that is only HALFWAY healed. I refrain from doing the rest because I have a suspicion it will bring up some trauma memories I don't want to deal with right now.
Sickness serves as a wonderful cushion for many people. And until we are ready to deal with the barbs, then having a barrier serves us well. He was angry with you for doing that work on him because he has barbs.
The nice thing is, the work I do removes the need for others to "relive" trauma or revisit the past. You don't have to do anything.
My suggestion would actually be to have work done on you first. And see what comes up in your energy and your subconscious. The reason for that is, you are connected closely to your loved one, you have shared energy and shared consciousness. And you have shared frequencies that are affecting you just as much as they are affecting him.
As we deal with them in you, they will be dealt with in him, but they will be done more gently, and indirectly, and of a willing nature, because it will be directed at YOUR higher self, and your intentions for you, and your existence, and how his life plays a part in that.
When we heal ourselves, those around us heal as they feel the shift.
I'm not saying you have to do the work through me. If you have someone you trust, then continue using them. I like the sound of the lady you were talking about with the water. She sounds phenomenal.
I'm not sure what I do is much different. It may be, but I have no idea since I'm not sure what she does. I know it's powerful, though. And it works. And it's kind of fuss-free.
Thanks for that beautiful discussions of "sickness" and how your modality works. I've long understood that any symptoms are not an illness at work, but rather the body at work protecting itself from illness. A healthy body will experience symptoms, an unhealthy body will not. Cancer is a great example of this.
I have complete faith in the human body to heal itself, as long as we don't pump toxins in as a healing modality. This is what is wrong with western med. This is why many people with "covid" (whatever that is) get very sick - they pump in tylenol and robitussin and nyquil and sudafed and tamiflu and remdesivir and and and. It's no wonder their bodies can't cope. They would do far better to get in bed (preferably in some sunshine), sip some good organic and nourishing fluids, maybe take a homeopathic remedy, and let their bodies do the work, which will involve exhibiting difficult symptoms that must be allowed, even honored, for healing to occur.
Healing begins with establishing this faith in self, and in nature's ways. We have been led very far astray from these.
When one is very sick, especially beginning as child, there is no end to the drugs. It a big fad now to get the patients on drugs for life, drugs that are very difficult to withdraw from, drugs that the body constantly battles, often producing the very symptom the drugs were prescribed to treat in the first place. Then there comes a cascade of illness, years of it, all of it blamed on the patient's conditions, and rarely are any of these symptoms blamed on the drugs prescribed. Doctors absolutely refuse to acknowledge that factor in illness. They don't want to be blamed, so they scramble to blame the patient or caretaker for not pumping enough of their products into the ill body. Years of this takes a terrible toll on not only the physical body, but also the psyche, the soul, the mind the self.
I also understand the effect my own frequencies, my own understanding of illness, my own desire to heal him, affect both of us.
At this point, we've tried everything shamanistic in nature, which means to me "intending to produce a fairly immediate and discernable change". Western med is the most shamanistic healing practice under this definition, so much so that I consider western med to be black magic (have I already said this above?), especially vaccination. Some of these non-western med efforts of ours have paid off in tiny increments, especially homeopathy. But the most important factor in his "improvement" (there are days I see him as perfectly healthy, even in the state he is in) is his own desire to change his situation. I have little to nothing to do with that. He knows this, and will no longer consent to anything else.
The first step in improved health is the biggest step - to wean the patient off toxic drugs they were put on, often at very early ages. I implore all parents to say no to these drugs. I implore all parents to keep any health issues out of the school records. The system only does more harm. Better to remove your child from school than to let the school know there is a health issue of any kind.
I suspect I'm mostly trying to say "thanks, but no thanks." I don't think outside influences are what he and I need right now. Perhaps in the future, because I do remember that I felt a great deal of comfort knowing there was a positive connection with someone, somewhere. But our tasks now, his for him, and mine for me, are to find our personal understandings of healing and health, and establish faiths that where we are is where we need to be.
I'd love to keep in touch. You've already helped me through this day. You have powerful influence.
Well, I'm a big fan of Tylenol and Nyquil. So there's where we may differ. LOL. I just think, for sickness to exist, it must energetically exist first. And that's where we are lacking in Western Med.