My plans of a laidback retirement have totally not materialized. Ok, it is my own fault, but when I set up a BnB prior to retirement, I expected just the odd booking as we were only Airbnb'ing at the time.
Little did I know I was in for a long and winding road, mostly smooth but now and then a tad bumpy!
My rose-coloured spectacles imagined this little venture would bring just the odd traveler and that's how it was in the beginning. However, the rose turned brighter with the pace of bookings picking up, as guests love the tranquility of the spacious quaint cottage and its unique design with the 'hidden' balcony overlooking the pool and garden.
I still get a thrill when new guests arrive and see the surprised look on their faces when I open the door to the balcony.
However, more guests of course mean more work, and there are two days when we have no staff, so it can get hectic, especially when I later had to register the bnb, with much red tape along the way!
Life after retiring certainly has not been boring,
I wrote a blog about Guesthouse/ BnB Hosting in a nutshell almost five years ago, soon after joining Hive which went by a different name back then. Yep, I'll be celebrating my 5th Hiversary soon! I've shared the last of the series, as that gives links to Parts 1 - 3 for anyone interested in diving into this kind of adventure venture!
You need to have a love of people and always remember to never judge a book by its cover! We've been pleasantly surprised by some, and unpleasantly by a handful from the most unexpected quarters. I must say 99% have given us much joy and insight into the way different cultures celebrate life!
You will also need to develop patience, much as in the Crypto world, as some guests can be really demanding.
I find the ones with fat wallets often try to negotiate a better deal like a recent one with a title that could take up a full page (just kidding, not that long), but hey, if you're on Linkedin, it's very easy to find out exactly what kind of business you're in!
Hubby and I have a good chuckle about that; talk about saving pennies! They often are our best marketers though, so I don't mind losing a few cents as I know it's a gain in the long run!
Happy guests mean more referrals!
Some of my friends, not you @artywink;) not believe just how busy this keeps me most of the time as it entails neverending quotes, telephonic enquiries all hours of the day or night, preparing meals, and often lunch packs. I refuse to make a hot breakfast and only give them supplies for a self-serve continental breakfast; a trick I learned during Covid;)
The one luxury I do enjoy as a Silver Blogger, is having coffee and a rusk in bed while the rest of Durban is struggling through peak traffic. I've gotten hooked on playing my daily Wordle, catching up with what is happening on Hive & shaking my head at some of the stuff I read on Discord.
The Silverbloggers channel however is the one place that I simply love as we have some really amazing silvery folk over there so I often pop into the Silver Bloggers Coffee Corner!
This week was a hectic one, what with drafting and honing down a petition outlining our concerns regarding the inaction by authorities to address the damage in our road. Our friends sent it off today so we'll see what happens.
Just a little insight into the damages.
So...perhaps retirement meant sitting on the 'stoep' as we call a verandah, back in the day, but nowadays it's a totally different story.
I believe keeping active is the secret to good health, as long as one does not overdo it...a bad habit of mine! Talk about not following my own advice!
The days seem to be getting shorter as the years fly by!
My goal now is to keep on running the race, but at least take more time out, so I can squeeze out as much of this life in my silver years!
Thank you for stopping by
Original Content by @lizelle
Copyright @lizelle – All Rights Reserved
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Hi @lizelle,
I know you guys have been busy and with those floods, omg!
Shared your post via ListNerds
Thank you @therneau, it's been totally crazy, and nothing has been done about any restoration, really frustrating!
I'm sure it is 😭
Going to throw your post out on ListNerds today, so keep an eye out for extra engagement.
Much love and strength to you guys!
I figure why your guests like that balcony. I can imagine having a glass of wine there, with a view of the pool :)
Things don't always go as planned, but sometimes they turn out better. You certainly have a lot of work to do, but being active is a blessing, and you can always say you are booked and leave a few days without occupying the B&B to rest.
I hope that at some point, things for your neighbors and friends will start to improve.
Hugs, and happy weekend 🤗
Thank you Eli, we often think of moving down to the cottage as that balcony is just lovely especially at the end of the day, when family or good friends stay over, has seen us sitting there well into the night, enjoying a glass of wine, contemplating the troubles of the world we live in now, but mostly enjoying a good chuckle, especially when we look back & remembering the things we did in our younger days😉
When we take a break, I block our online calendar but if it's regular guests needing accommodation, our housekeeper stays over. Most of our guests self- cater, I mostly provide meals to the training centre guests & some business guests, so it's quite easy to co-ordinate.
We really need to get away soon!
We do hope there will be restoration starting soon, the Municipality's new budget kicks in on 1 July so they'll have no excuses! However, seeing the inefficiency there is so sad, as it used to be a totally different story up till a couple of years ago.
Have a great Sunday Eli, enjoy the last few weeks of having your son at home🤗
I know how frustrating it is to see how bureaucracy and inefficiency are taking over things and it is very sad. I hope everything starts to work for the benefit of your friends.
Here I am taking advantage of every minute that life gives me with my son at home, time passes so fast, but I guess at the end of the day are stages that we must live. If not how would we have those moments remembering old times with laughter, right?
Have a nice week, Lizzie 🤗
But you can read the back cover to get an idea of them😁
I am not so sure taking it easy so to speak in retirement is a good thing, going from all go go go to all zzz I don't think is a good thing!
At least you are never bored Lizzie!
LOL, I'll try to look at the back cover first.
So very true, just sitting and vegetating definitely is not good for anyone, I've heard of so many people who don't live long after retirement and I believe it's the sudden halt in activity!
It's a great job and I certainly don't have time to get bored! The only thing I hate are the tipsy midnight & later!!! callers, needing a bed, or the "hourly booking" requests, all who get more than a cold shoulder and a rapid tap on that red button.
I really need to get a 2nd phone & give that number to family & close friends only, so I can turn the other one off at night.
Hope you're having a great Saturday Ed🤗
When my mother had a guest house, I got them a second number just for the guest house, that way they could swtich off!
Oh god yes those "hourly booking" requests, so you get them too!
Yes not living long after retirement was what sprang to mind.
Have a magical Sunday Lizzie:)
So it happens elsewhere in the world too🙈
I should answer yes, we can charge hourly but our minimum stay is 24 hours!
Those requests drive me nutty🤬
Enjoy your Sunday as well Ed 🤗
HAHA yes it happens everywhere I think. Don't be so speedy to say yes. I remember they had one guest who was a woman who booked a night, however after the third gentleman caller rang the doorbell, and the noises, they had to ask her to leave 🤣🤣🤣
LOL, all the local BnB's are on a whatsapp chat group and that's exactly what happened to one of them. A lady (who turned out to be a lady of the
nightor day in this instance. Guys kept on coming and going, her little venture was thriving that day so they had to kick her out😅 I've had what definitely were pimps, a couple of madams, horny even had the nerve to be explicit saying he wants to book the afternoon to have some fun with his mistress, AND when I very coldly told him we do not take hourly or daily bookings, he said: 'Ohhh...God bless!'My poor phone didn't know what happened as I hit that red button so sharply!
I could write a book on how they try to hoodwink one with some of the requests. They even call it a business meeting, which it is in a way🤣🤣🤣
The only time I take a 1 night booking is when it's a legit company, but online it's a minimum of 2 nights as you never know who's coming🤪
hehe oh yes I can just imagine you hitting that red button sharply!
Well you are right, it is a business meeting, the oldest profession and all that🤣🤣🤣
It looks so beautiful around there (not counting the damage area photos). It seems like a very nice place for visitors.
I too don't take my own advice on some things. It's not a lack of knowledge. I can tell you the best way, but I may not be the good example on implementing some of it. ha ha
The good thing is, if it gets where you don't love it, you don't have to do it anymore.
We live in a beautiful country but sadly the government is doing a shoddy job, no maintenance of infrastructure and other services.
Yep, we sometimes feel like throwing in the towel, but would have to sell & get a smaller place as the bnb income also helps with maintaining the big property. We'll see what life has in store for us!
Yep, it's easy giving advice but not to implement it on ourselves. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Jacey 🤗
The most important thing is to do something you love and earn a bit on the side for it. And I guess the best thing about running your own BnB is you can not take bookings when you want some days off?
Wordle can get quite addictive can't it? 😁
It certainly is addictive!
You're right, we really love this job and if we need a break, we just close off some days, although it's been difficult this year. We'll definitely take a break soon though, as we both really need it!
Nice seeing you here @livinguktaiwan 🥰
Nothing is ever straight forward nor easy, running a BnB most definitely plenty of work in the back office in one way or another.
Years are testing us now to face the next challenges thrown our way, most definitely stop and enjoy the outdoors.
As for the roads I feel so sorry for commuters going to Durban in the mornings, no sign of freeway being repaired, all back roads gridlocked with traffic, freeway bumper to bumper for hours!
Despite the craziness at times, I do love my post retirement job!
A guy hubby worked with at the municipality said they have no money & are waiting for the new budget to kick in on 1 July, but I'm sure they're not going to cut down on overseas trips etc!!! So wasteful.
Durban really is a sorry sight!
Thanks goodness we don't have to face that traffic any longer, especially now after the storm as it's so much worse now!
Let's hope repairs start soon!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend Joan🤗
One day at a time, we make the most of bad situations that appear all the time!
Money is scarce, will only get worse, after last fifteen years we must be hitting the bottom of the barrel.
Checking stats the other day, massive surprise..., SA 15 million people in year I was born now 60 million, handing out a house or two makes them 'happy' to announce, yikes!
Ja/Nee so we carry on regardless and rewardless!
You seem to enjoy life as a BnB hostess although it may be tiring when you get a lot of guests. And might be true what you said, the secret to healthy life is being active :) And your veranda is a haven :)
So sad about the inaction of the agencies for the restoration of your roads. Hope they will act soon that you have sent them a petition.
You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.
Nice seeing you again!It really is a very rewarding job @ifarmgirl! We certainly hope something happens soon with the storm damage restoration so that our friends can get their lives back on track!
I can only imagine how you enjoy the things you do everyday :) And yes, hoping restoration starts soon on the affected areas.
Thank you Lizelle, glad to be coming around ❤
Your Blog writing skill is really good. Photograph is also nice.
Thank you @saraheasy!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @lizelle ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
and where is what is depicted in the photos?
It's in Durban, South Africa.
You are having all these wonderful experiences because you have built such a beautiful place and your prayers are being answered. One thing for certain is that your retirement, won't be boring and there certainly will be lots of stories to share.
Great post! I can imagine it can get stressful with demanding guests!
Busy as a bee, which is a good thing, but down time is always required to stay healthy. I don't know what you expect, with your place looking so peaceful, the meals you serve and your personality, I think you have created a paradise which is so very unique. 5th year anniversary coming up, congratulations on your success.
I know that if I lived within striking distance of your place I'd be back every year.
I can't believe the condition of some of your roads and the fact that they have yet to be repaired is unthinkable.
Your success may require endless hours, but you must be so proud of what you have accomplished.
Peace my friend.