Our friendship started seven years ago through the exciting Cook With Us
What a privilege to host Mom and daughter at my Airbnb, and spend many special moments together! I wondered what it would be like meeting in person, but I need not have worried, it was like meeting old friends. contest on the old blockchain. The bar was raised each week as some super-talented foodies from all corners of the globe were drawn in by what was one of the best foodie contests ever held on the blockchain. Even though we were fiercely competitive, good friendships were formed. We learned a lot from each other and our different cuisines. My foodie friend @carolynstahl, the fabulous Vegan chef, is one of the few CWU foodies who still is active.
We were given weekly food challenges by the super-organized Cook With Us team of @offoodandart, @chefsteve, and everyone's favourite Mama, @pandamama, who is the only one on the team still active, and who I've been wanting to meet in person for a very long time.
Some of my favorite dishes from that contest - The Cook With Us logo not my own.
I met Pandamama's daughter @edenmichelle when visiting my son in the Netherlands soon after the loss of my hubby. I will never forget her kindness when my grief was still raw, giving me a shoulder to cry on!
Eden was one of the foodies back in the CookWithUs days, but of course, she is busy making a name for herself in the music world where she is known as EggSta; musician, producer, singer, and songwriter. Eden was a regular participant in the Vibes community, but her professional career keeps her on the run.
Christine and I had been chatting from afar for a very long time, way back when they were still in Cyprus, and hoped to one day have the opportunity to meet. Eden's work brought her to my hometown and Christine accompanied her to their next stop in the beautiful city of Cape Town, which is around 180 kilometers from the southernmost tip of Africa at Cape Agulhas.
Eden and a fellow artist Kyle - Artist/Musician/Doctor worked together on a song, while Christine and I reminisced about the old contest, and how the world has changed in the seven years that we've known each other.
I wasn't well enough to treat them to a special meal but I hope to host them again sometime in the future and make up for it.
You will never get to see what I write inside here, nor will anyone else, as I will use the book for any of the following, maybe all!
Oh, and that's a pretty beaded keyring Eden gave me as well.
This Book is for:
- Long list making - yep!
- Procrastinating - Hmmm, yes.
- Guacamole Recipes - not so sure.
- Sarcastic Comments - Hmmm, yep.
- Weird Dreams - yes, I have them all the time!
- Deep dark secrets - yep, who does not have any?
- Doodling - for sure.
- Unpopular Opinions - yesss, especially the ones I have to refrain from broadcasting on the neighbourhood WhatsApp groups
- Computer Paswords - yes, despite having 1password, I'm old school, like seeing them on paper!
- Profanities - I say them silently, so no, they won't show up here!
- Other - lots of other!
As it says, if this book is found, it's to be burnt and never spoken of again!
Of course, when friends meet, there's something special about the meal preparation and enjoying it afterward around the table. I did manage to make a quick breakfast one morning, and because I was not feeling great, I chose a simple one-pan dish of Poached Eggs in a fresh Tomato and Onion Sauce which we enjoyed with toast.
Yet another super special and unexpected WOW gift!
Three of my friends and I had booked tickets to see Lord of the Dance in August; flights and accommodation still had to be booked. We had enough time to save for that, but then Eden surprised me by booking a five-star boutique hotel for my friends and I. Super generous and leaving my friends and me speechless. My brother also hopped on board, and booked our flights, so we can now save some money for a new outfit...or tap dance shoes.
The accommodation spoil gifted by Eden was such a wonderful surprise - the cherry on the cake!
We said our goodbyes at the end of four eventful days, but meet again, we for sure will, and hopefully gather some of our other SA Hivers for a bigger Hive meetup!

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Artwork by @artywink
There's nothing better than meeting people you've communicated for years on the blockchain with face-to-face. It really adds a new dimension to the value of this decentralized community. I hope we get to meet someday!
You are so right Eric, it was wonderful meeting my blockchain friends in person!
It would be a dream come true meeting you face to face. Who knows, perhaps when you visit Europe one of these days? I would like to go later this year, but it all depends on the estate matters being finalized.
It would be wonderful to meet you someday, Lizelle! I really hope to get traveling again soon—once I do, I'll be sure to let you know. I was hoping to make it to Amsterdam for the 4Daagse walk in July but that doesn't look like it'll be possible.
I remember you spoke of that, hopefully some other time! I'll probably only be able to go towards the end of the year, before winter really settles in, otherwise wait for next spring.
What a lovely reunion. Some peoples we meet for few minutes on any such occasions, but then we get close to eachother when our tastes are similar. Having a friend to lean on, is a real joy and peace. Enhoy dear friend.
Thank you @shamis, it indeed was wonderful meeting like-minded blockchain friends after so many years!
I have yet to meet anyone on here, except for my son. I always thought it would be weird but now I am glad to hear it was not weird for you.
I also thought it would be a little awkward but once we met, all of that fell away!
So your son is also here, I must take a peek! Mine introduced me but he did not continue.
Yes, he is here on Hive he is the one who introduced me, first on the other site then we came to Hive. @jacobpeacock is his name.
What beautiful memories we have of your Lily's Cottage Lizelle - and how wonderful to have met you in person.
This is a wonderful blog - so well written ❤️❤️
It was very special finally meeting you in person Christine, just sorry I could not spoil you like I wanted to. Definitely will be a next time though, wherever that may be.
Glad you enjoyed reading ❤️❤️❤️
We were thoroughly spoilt and loved every minute albeit we were all under the weather. Thank you again for your kindness❤️❤️❤️
I just tuned in after a long while and saw a sweet mention from you. It warms my heart to think about the friendship formed years ago. I love that you had the get together with those lovely folks.
Thanks for the mention that made my day less lazy haha. I hope to get back to the Hivin' soon.
Have a great day.
Hi my friend, so nice seeing you here! Imagine if we could meet one of these days, but at least we can catch up on chain❤️
I don't think you have a lazy bone in your body, chef Carolyn!
Haha I feel like a super couch potato these days😂
How fun to meet up with another person you've met online. I've only met one or two people that were on the blockchain, but there's many I'd like to, including you! Blessings to you!
Blessings right back to you <3It was very special @apanamamama, and you're another Mama I'd love to meet as well! We go back to the Steemengine days if I'm not mistaken?
Too true! I was one of the curators at the Steem Engine. Ha! What fun. Not sure how I found time to be on Steemit back then. 😉
How special that you all got to get together and enjoy meals and special events. It is always nice when you get to meet in person after all those years. So happy for you all. ♥
It truly was @sunscape, we spoke of meeting for a long while and finally managed to meet in person after chatting online for seven years!
I just love it and am so happy for you all.
I also wish to meet some of my fellow hivers here. Hehehe. Id like to find that book of yours, not to BUrn but to turn the pages and acquire more knowledge😁😁.
Haha I'll have to hide it away just in case you manage to 'teleport' yourself and take a peek :)
Meeting some of Hive's friends in person is one of my dreams! The list is long and I hope that someday I can meet two or five, for example. That keychain looks beautiful and the images of the saucers are thought provoking. Hugs, @lizelle.
It was awesome! I would also love to attend a Hive Fest, but that will never happen here in SA. Meeting my two friends was enough for me though, very special times!
A big hug right back to you Nancy <3
How cool was that Lizzie! And names I know from posts here in SB!
That must have been fun participating in a weekly cooking challenge.
Hi Ed, it was very special and honestly felt like seeing an old friend. I'm quite a shy person (hide it well) and thought it would feel awkward, but nothing like that!
Cook With Us was a fabulous weekly challenge👌 Arthur was so supportive, helped with props for photos, and waited patiently for his meal if I was running late, which was often😊
Hi Lizzie, you do hide it well and I would never have thought of you being shy, far from it!
As for the cooking hehe yes Mrs T always waits now before she tucks in incase I suddenly appear to snap a pic or three of dinner!
Haha, I can just picture the scene at meal times - Arthur would sometimes have a bit of a sugar low and ask:
Hehe yes I can imagine
I loved to see you together!! 🤩
It was awesome, thank you @palomap3 <3
A wonderful memorable trip @lizelle - we surely are like family now - and thanks for all your kind words