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RE: When to close a door

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Oh dear Eli, you have me all tearful here! I know what you say about everything in your Mom's pottery studio having a story, that's exactly what makes it so difficult and very sad to let go.
I'm sure someone in your family would feel it an honour to carry her legacg forward, and delight your Mom as well, to see that her pottery tools are coming to life again, creating beautiful objects.
It's not easy seeing our parents slowly fading away. Someone shared a beautiful message about the ageing process, slowly stripping us down in readiness for a new glorious afterlife.
I hope you indeed find someone who will cherish you Mom's pottery equipment!


Hi, Lizzie

Yes, it is hard to watch them grow old and to think that with a little luck, we too will go through that. I hope that those who want the equipment and tools will put them to good use. For my mom, pottery was a passion and she accumulated all those things working for years. Fortunately, she is doing well and just a while ago we were talking about what she could do in that space, maybe start sewing again.

Happy weekend, and I hope you had a great time during your son's visit. 🤗🥰😘