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RE: Seasons of Life

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

I've lost some of my pics of that era, have been meaning to ask a special friend who may have some, will certainly share😉
I'm so glad you enjoyed this my friend!You would have loved being a teen in the late 60s @edprivat, I can just see you up there on stage at Woodstock hanging out with the likes of Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Santana and many others.


Hell yeah, WOODSTOCK was the place to be, Janis's version of Summertime is amazing though she didn't play it at Woodstock (can't find it) , these Iconic moments in Rock history, Santana was tripping on LSD, Hendrix with the American Anthem...

Here a doc

 4 years ago  

Thank you so much for sharing this, guess what I'm gona be watching tonight!
Really need to get my mind off a lifelong season that's just ended for a close friend in the most cruel manner :(

Truly sorry to hear about your loss, strange times...Another burglery?

 4 years ago  

No just a man who seems to be losing his mind after a couple of decades of marriage and wants her out, just crazy!

WOW! Yeah probably losing his mind for sure!