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RE: Mind Over Matter? Choosing How You Age

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

100% in agreement with your sentiments @minismallholding!

When we had a school reunion a couple of years ago, some of our peers looked and acted ancient, but those still active with work, hobbies, or whatever, looked way younger, and were still full of life.

It is sad when people get stuck on numbers. However one has to slow down and not push oneself too much physically, as the body parts start showing wear and tear😉

Sad also that most of us only start looking after our physical and mental well-being once we're in our mid-years; (I don't like using the term middle-aged - sounds ancient! I am way past middle-aged, my next milestone has the number 8 in it, so what does that make me?

I read something that is so very true, it says:

The older you get, the older old becomes.

I say embrace life and make the best of every day!


The older you get, the older old becomes.

So true! When my husband was in his early 30s we had some teenage trick or treaters come to the house and he jump scared them with a mask. One of them said something to the other about being scared by an old man, which had me in stitches. I guess we were that much older to them at the time.

Apologies for such a late response. I'm not sure where this week got to. I feel like I'm behind on everything!

 8 months ago  

That's classic, I can imagine the good chuckle you had at that :)