Paseo matinal - Click Aquí
Qué bien me vendría un paseo entre los árboles y bajo el sol en una hermosa mañana, después de una noche prácticamente de insomnio, pensé ayer.
Es raro que yo no concilie el sueño pues nada más pongo la cabeza en la almohada, es automático, me duermo. Pero tenía varias ideas en mi cabeza, como por ejemplo pensaba en cómo estarán mi hija menor y mi nieto que los tengo tan lejos, qué podría preparar como sorpresa para mis amigas que irán con nosotros a la excursión a Caleta Buena, tan deseada por mí y mi hija nanixxx, la próxima semana.
Preparé café y cuando miré por la ventana trasera de mi apartamento vi como el sol invadía la vegetación, las plantas y árboles de un color verde en todas sus tonalidades.
Me dije: ahí está mi paseo, y será seguramente hermoso y una inyección de aire puro para eliminar mi cansancio de la noche anterior.
Inmediatamente, me vestí con ropa apropiada para adentrarme en ese patio que no es un bosque, pero igual está lleno de malezas también. Una vecina que vio mi intención de caminar me gritó que tuviera cuidado, pues han visto un majá (serpiente) pequeño.
Me puedo asustar sí, pues ojalá no me salga, pues correré y no sabré donde parar.
Los mosquitos me acompañaron todo el tiempo y también las ranas que les tengo miedo, pero de día se guarecen del sol dentro de las hojas de plátano. Por suerte para mí.
Ahí muchos de mis vecinos tienen sus pequeños sembrados de viandas y hortalizas para reforzar la alimentación y entretenerse, en su mayoría son de la tercera edad que buscan en ello una distracción productiva. Esta área tiene diversidad de árboles frutales, lo que más abunda es el Plátano, Mango, Mamey y la guayaba.
También cocoteros, aguacate y árbol del pan. Los eventos climatológicos han maltratado mucho el lugar, y aunque han tratado de arreglar un poco las áreas, todavía se ven los estragos.
Me dio alegría ver en algunos troncos caídos como van saliendo los retoños. El agua no es problema, es una zona baja y cenagosa y cuando llueve el agua es abundante, pero demora en desaparecer. Con razón le dicen a esa área la Ciénaga.
¡Otra alegría! Encontré un limonero casi atrapado entre otras plantas y enredaderas, el limón cono otros cítricos en Cuba han ido poco a poco disminuyendo y encontrárselo fue muy bueno.
Descubrí cuando miré hacia el edificio donde vivo que no se ve por los árboles las flores naranjas del árbol de Majagua, flores de un color naranja intenso que se destacan y dan belleza al verdor del follaje.
Por último encontré un árbol de Güira, cuyo fruto se utiliza en la medicina tradicional, hacer vasijas y las conocidas maracas, ese instrumento que es muy característico en la música cubana tradicional.
Mi padre tenía hecha de una güira pequeñita, la llamaba Jícara para tomar café, siempre decía que tomar el café en ella le sabía más a café que en tazas de loza.
En fin, este paseo ayudó a eliminar el cansancio de la noche de insomnio. Por otra parte me siento muy motivada por compartirlo con ustedes.

How good a walk among the trees and under the sun on a beautiful morning would be good, after a practically sleepless night, I thought yesterday.
It's strange that I don't fall asleep because as soon as I put my head on the pillow, it's automatic, I fall asleep. But I had several ideas in my head, for example I was thinking about how my youngest daughter and my grandson are doing because I have them so far away, and what surprise could I prepare for my friends joining us on the eagerly awaited excursion to Caleta Buena with my daughter Nanixxx next week.
I made coffee and when I looked out the back window of my apartment I saw how the sun invaded the vegetation, plants, and trees in all their shades of green.

I said to myself: this is my walk, and it will surely be beautiful and a breath of fresh air to dispel my tiredness from the night before.
Immediately, I dressed in appropriate clothes to enter that courtyard that is not a forest, but is still full of weeds as well. A neighbor who saw my intention to walk, shouted at me to be careful, because they had seen a small majá (snake).
I can get scared, yes, well I hope it doesn't get me, because I will run, and I won't know where to stop.
The mosquitoes accompanied me all the time and also the frogs, which I am afraid of, but during the day they take shelter from the sun inside the banana leaves. For my luck.

There, many of my neighbors have their small fields of food and vegetables to reinforce their diet and entertain themselves, most of them are elderly people who look for a productive distraction.

This area has a diversity of fruit trees, the most abundant are Banana, Mango, Mamey and guava.
Also, coconut trees, avocado and breadfruit. The weather events have badly damaged the place, and although they have tried to fix the areas a little, the damage is still visible.
It gave me joy to see the sprouts emerging from some fallen trunks. Water is not a problem, it is a low and muddy area and when it rains the water is abundant, but it takes a while to disappear. No wonder they call that area the Swamp.

Another joy! I found a lemon tree almost trapped between other plants and vines, the lemon like other citrus trees in Cuba have been gradually decreasing and finding it was very good.

I discovered when I looked towards the building where I live that the orange flowers of the Majagua tree cannot be seen through the trees, intense orange flowers that stand out and give beauty to the greenery of the foliage.

Finally, I found a Güira tree, whose fruit is used in traditional medicine, making vessels and the well-known maracas, that instrument that is very characteristic of traditional Cuban music.
My father had a small güira made of it, he called it Jícara to drink coffee, he always said that drinking coffee in it tasted more like coffee than in earthenware cups.

Anyway, this walk helped eliminate the fatigue of the sleepless night. On the other hand, I feel very motivated to share it with you.
All images are my property
Translated with (free version). I also used Grammarly to improve my writing.
Nice walk and nice photos, a big greeting @mamani
Greetings to you too and my best wishes for a nice weekend and thanks for your comments. 🤗🥰
Thank you for your kind words. Have a nice weekend 🤗
Beautiful hike! Nature always helps... to everything! The lemon trees... had in Argentina, is very classic Italian, you can't miss it!❤️
Hello, good morning, after the ride my day has changed. Finding the lemons too. I use them a lot when I make tea and to take with honey a teaspoon in the morning. Friend, enjoy the weekend and thank you. 🥰❤️❤️❤️
Honey and lemon tea is very healthy, I love it and it's good for many things! Have a day full of light!😘
Warm climate similar fruits, mosquito more of a problem than the little frogs that feed on them !LOLZ
Lovely outing with brilliant tree flowers on display at the moment.
One more crack like that and I'll plaster you!
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart
@mamani, I sent you anDon't believe frogs have always impressed me and I avoid them. I know that mosquitoes are more dangerous even if they are small... they bring diseases like dengue fever, very common nowadays. You always have to be careful but the ride was good. Now in the summer the rich fruits start. Thank you for your words. Happy weekend.🤗🥰
Warm climates with dangerous snakes, spiders and insects, frogs here are not poisonous we normally help them outdoors when they enter the home. Enjoy your summer we enter winter which I love! Have a wonderful weekend as well.
Its scary to walk alone thinking there's snake around, plus the mosquitos. I won't mind the frog, coz frogs in my country are usually harmless. But I saw that you had a great walk and took nice shots. Happy weekend♥️
There are no poisonous snakes here, only the so-called majas, small harmless snakes that are very impressive. The frogs also impress me, they are cold and slimy and I avoid them. But the ride was very good. Nice weekend. 🥰🤗
Oh, snakes and frogs? And mosquitoes! I would better stay at home then hahahaha
Just a joke, with so much greenery and those exotic fruits (for me they are - we don't have these here) I would also like to take a morning walk after a sleepless night 🍀
Tempranito por la mañana todavía el sol no ha secado el rocío en la tierra y los arboles y las plantas se ven mucho más vivas y un olor agradable. Hay muchas frutas en Cuba y muy sabrosas. El paseo me vino muy bien sabes. Bonito fin de semana y sale a pasear tempranito y verás que bien te sentirás. 🥰😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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