I think that since I came to Colmena and met you I felt identified with you and your sensitivity, today I reaffirm it. I have discussed it with my daughter. Crying is good, as well as laughing in both cases is a venting of emotions. I also have a daughter far from me and my only grandchild and although I hide it well I always have wet eyes. But I also suffer for the one who is a few miles away and I know she is missing something or is sad, that's how we are. I imagine what you must have experienced today writing for this contest, but I imagine it must have been a release of emotions. That's how we are when we carry the concept of mother, wife and daughter with integrity. Very touching and beautiful, thank you @lizelle, take care.🥰❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for being such a good friend, for your encouragement, and for visiting via my posts. Take care of yourself too dear friend🤗 ♥️Awe @mamani, I can imagine how difficult it is not to be near your daughter and grandchild! One's emotions sometimes are like a seesaw when you miss someone. Writing has helped me tremendously, and trying to live in the moment and to be thankful for each day!