Memoir Monday week #32// How has your worldview evolved over time?

in Silver Bloggers5 days ago


How has your worldview evolved over time?

This is a very important question, sometimes we hear people talking about others and they say that before it was not like that and now it is presented as different or with different tastes or different ways of thinking. These observations are more common than we think.

I think and I realize that as time goes by, we grow older, the environments where we share make us have a vision of the world that with the passing of the years, the experiences we live makes us look and contemplate that vision of the world that we presented when we were children and now it is so different that thought.

As a child my vision of the world was practically governed by what was done at home, how it was done, what it was done for...I never contemplated that there was a world beyond my restricted family in our hometown, that everything that happened in my town was the same for the rest of the world...with the passing of the years, starting to go out, to see a little further, there are discoveries of different ways of life, social developments, fashions, cultures.


The story books perhaps made me dream, never the same with the reality that was presented to me. The books tell, now I understand that it is a form of view from the perception of a writer who dreamed and told the experiences from his point of view.

Understanding that we are all different, even though there are theories that prove it, we want everyone to act as we want, think and have the same tastes...this has been a continuous approach with this thought, there I bring my mother's phrase: every head is a thought, great thought.

Currently, my way of looking at the world is so big the difference to how I saw it a few years ago ... those changes not physical or material around us but the true sense of looking inside and understand, accept what we see leads us to reflect ordering our actions, of having so many friendships I have very few, because it seems lie when we change the vision I leave people behind who do not go in the same frequency that I go.


So my vision of the world has undergone many changes in this walk, changes that I like, because according to the knowledge and listening to me I am returning to my essence, that beautiful feeling of looking at a butterfly, look at its colors, size, its flight. As well as sitting in the mornings to drink coffee in the garden, which I did not do before, and watch the sky as it changes colors as the time progresses.

Realizing that the Creator is always there to say all this is a gift to you, it is yours, enjoy it. It is a big change from the way I looked at the world as a child and the way I look at the world now.

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Greetings @EricVanceWalton, reviewing the proposal for this week March 03, I understand it is the last #memoirmonday proposal, you still make the point that we can participate in those that for some reason we were not present, I participate in Memoir Monday week #32 (10/14-10/20) with the following question:

A pleasure to read you Mercedes, when one is a child and until a certain age of adolescence one is limited to see the world by the rules that we have at home, but as one grows up one learns through education, reading and measure to see some things differently and there are others in which one simply share the same criteria of those who raised us.

Hello, that's right
Also as we expand our mind we integrate other knowledge on how to see the world.


Hello @mercmarg

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