It's been a while since my fingers have been writing. Life has so much to offer that I often find it difficult to get the time to sit down at the computer to tell an "interesting" story.
It certainly doesn't help to go through the world without a handheld computer. But it also doesn't make me want to have one of these, when I see all the "blue" faces around me who prefer to stare at their screens and miss looking each other in the eye. Or to may even start a conversation.
Then I said to myself that it might be helpful to talk to these "androids" on the internet. It must be really interesting what's going on there. But far from it.
Web3 still offers enormous potential to unite humanity and make real progress in the longest needed changes. But what it is being used for only shows me that a certain idiocracy has crept in.
The hope remains that more and more "like-minded" people are beginning to realize this, which in my view is one of the reasons why Hive (for example) has reached a certain low point.
We "old people" in particular have learnt that life is too short to be bothered with trivialities. And so we go back to the important things. Back to "real" life.
Daily reports on how people sleep, eat or shit were not on the list of reasons why the internet was invented. Not in my opinion anyway.
I started my blog here in 2018 to vent my grievances about the injustices in our "civilized" society. To demonize their god, the all-ruling and enslaving money. In the hope of opening a few eyes.
Though it would help if the texts were actually read/understood. For that we need connections that could then start this rEvolution together. What an idiotic idea. Ha!
Unfortunately, it's like politics. In order to find these connections, you first have to follow the rules of these existing structures. Which are usually riddled with far too many "laws" and compromises. These structures, which have been entrenched for centuries and, from my point of view, are rusty, have no desire to change. Money is power and the control mechanisms associated with it are well guarded and defended to the death.
It requires a free spirit and we can only find this again if we look within ourselves. This requires an enormous amount of work. Too much... It is far easier to adapt to the pre-chewed mass offer. No matter how much it'll costs.
Banks and insurance companies are happy to help us realize this. And after all the centuries, it is only really possible to change this with a collective will. But how, when owning a "Lambo" already seems soooo close?
That said, in the thirty years that I have been "surfing" the Internet, I have made many wonderful friends. Many of these "encounters" I will probably never meet in person. Which makes them all the more valuable.
Finding like-minded people to do the best for everyone together is a liberating experience. A feeling that can also bring with it a "dangerous" dependency. For me, this is one of the reasons why I still don't own a mobile phone.
This online family keeps me here and I am happy to share my experiences with anyone who is interested. The "work" in the background has always been a bit my thing. I tend to shy away from the spotlight, and not only because I like getting together with Mary-Jane sometimes.
I'm particularly fond of the silver bloggers. Thanks to my sandwich queen @lizelle, who has founded a wonderful place in this community that brings many of my peers together. Wise with just the right amount of craziness. I love it...
And BTW, i'll keep my rhythm and keep writing "maybe" once in a while... though be assured i stay until the bitter end! 😏
All content is my own intellectual "property", otherwise you'll see a source indicated !Most pictures i twist with Gimp Now - Groove On Please! #justSaying |
Beneficiaries of this entire Post "Reward" are | - @combination - @thoughtfulposts - |
For now, until Europe will accept the crypto world by law, all “my” rewards will go to specially selected hivers/communities. Should you have the desire to support me personally and thereby strengthen my VP, please don't hesitate to leave me a tip. |
Deutsche Übersetzung
Es ist schon ein Weilchen her, dass meine Finger geschrieben haben. Das Leben hat so viel zu bieten, dass es mir oftmals schwierig ist die Zeit zu finden mich an den Computer zu setzen, um eine "interessante" Geschichte zu erzaehlen.
Es hilft sicherlich auch nicht, weiterhin ohne Handcomputer durch die Welt zu gehen. Macht aber auch nicht den Wunsch danach, wenn ich all die "blaeulichen" Gesichter um mich herum sehe, die lieber auf ihre Bildschirme starren und dabei verpassen, sich in die Augen zu schauen. Oder eine Gespraech zu starten.
Dann sagte ich mir, es waere eventuell hilfreich, diesen "Androiden" auf dem Internet anzusprechen. Muss ja wirklich interessant sein, was da abgeht. Doch weit gefehlt.
Web3 bietet zwar weiterhin ein enormes Potenzial die Menschheit zu vereinigen und echte Fortschritte in den laengsten noetigen Veraenderungen zu taetigen. Wozu es dann aber benutzt wird, zeigt mir nur, dass sich eine gewisse Idiokratie eingeschlichen hat.
Die Hoffnung bleibt, da sich dennoch mehr und mehr "Gleichgesinnte" beginnen dies zu realisieren, was aus meiner Sicht einer der Gruende ist, warum Hive (zum Beispiel) einen gewissen Tiefpunkt erreicht hat.
Speziell wir "Alten" haben gelernt, dass das Leben zu kurz ist, um sich mit Nebensaechlichkeiten abzugeben. Und somit gehen wir zurueck zu den wichtigen Dinge. Zurueck ins "echte" Leben.
Taegliche Reporte darueber wie geschlafen, gegessen oder geschissen wird, waren eher nicht auf der Liste der Gruende wofuer das Internet erfunden wurde. Nicht nach meiner Ansicht jedenfalls.
2018 startete ich hier meine Blog, um meinem Koller ueber die Ungerechtigkeiten in unserer "zivilisierten" Gesellschaft Luft zu machen. Deren Gott, das all regierende und versklavende Geld, zu verteufeln. In der Hoffnung ein paar Augen zu oeffnen.
Da wuerde es jedoch helfen, wenn die Texte auch wirklich gelesen/verstanden wuerden. Dafuer benoetigen wir Verbindungen, die dann zusammen diese rEvolution beginnen koennten. Was fuer eine idiotische Vorstellung. Ha!
Leider ist es aber wie in der Politik. Um diese Verbindungen zu finden, muss man erstmal den Regeln dieser bestehenden Strukturen folgen. Welche meistens mit viel zu vielen "Gesetzen" und Kompromissen gespickt sind. Diese seit Jahrhunderten eingefahrenen und, aus meinem Sichtpunkt, verrosteten Gebilde haben kein Wunsch sich zu veraendern. Geld ist Macht und die damit zusammenhaengenden Kontrollmechanismen sind wohl gehuetet und werden bis auf das Blut verteidigt.
Es benoetigt einen freien Geist und diesen finden wir nur wieder, wenn man in sich selber schaut. Dies verlangt eine enorme Arbeit. Zu viel... ist ja auch einfacher sich dem vorgekauten Massenangebot anzupassen. Egal wie viel das kostet.
Banken und Versicherung helfen uns mit Vergnuegen dies umzusetzen. Und nach all den Jahrhunderten ist es nur mit einem kollektiven Willen wirklich noch moeglich dies zu aendern. Wie aber, wenn der Besitz eines "Lambo" doch schon soooo nahe zu sein scheint.
Dies gesagt
In den dreissig Jahren in denen ich im Internet umher "surfe", habe ich viele wunderbare Freundschaften gefunden. Viele dieser "Begegnungen" werde ich wahrscheinlich niemals persoenlich treffen. Was sie für mich um so wertvoller sein lassen.
Gleichgesinnte zu finden, um gemeinsam das Beste fuer alle zu geben, ist ein befreiendes Erlebnis. Ein Gefuehl, dass aber auch eine "gefaehrliche" Abhaengigkeit mit sich bringen kann. *Fuer mich einer der Gruende bis heute kein Handy zu besitzen. *
Diese Online Familie haelt mich hier und mit Freude teile ich meine Erfahrungen mit allen Interessierten. Die "Arbeit" im Hintergrund war schon immer ein bisschen mein Ding. Das Rampenlicht scheut mich eher und nicht nur weil ich gerne mal mit Mary-Jane zusammenkomme. 😏😎
Speziell die Silberblogger haben es mir angetan. Dank meiner Sandwich-Koenigin @lizelle , die mit dieser Gemeinde einen wundervollen Ort gegruendet hat, der viele "Meinesgleichen" zusammen bringt. Weise, mit genau der richtigen Prise Verruecktheit. Ich liebe es...
Und übrigens, ich werde meinen Rhythmus beibehalten und weiterhin ab und zu "vielleicht" schreiben... aber seid versichert, dass ich bis zum bitteren Ende bleibe! 😏
It's great to see such enthusiasm for the Silverbloggers community! It sounds like a vibrant and supportive space. What do you think makes it stand out from other communities?
We have chosen this post to be curated by MCGI Cares Hive community. We are inviting you to join our community that study the words of God. You can also follow our official Youtube Channel. Keep doing the great job ❤️
The Internet is really a double-edged sword, but if we know how to use it to our advantage, we can find an oasis in the midst of the general chaos.
I also prefer physical contact and friends that we can hug, but I have made many friendships through this channel that have helped me in extreme moments of sadness and need for company. Even much more than those who are in person.
That's why I limit myself to take the good out of this and try to put a limit so that the virtuality does not absorb me completely.
It really is and the "warmth" in these extreme moments often surprised me... it definitely can help to not loose the mind. Yep, that's the danger part... 😏
Thanks a lot for reading and leaving your kind words over here. Much appreciated!
Love that bonnie wee bird! You are one cool dude...
I love being part of this Silver Bloggers community with you all. May 2022 was when I became a mod so it is a bit of an anniversary for me as well. With all the hypocrisy all over Hive resembling the real world it is great to sit in our wee corner and watch all the nonsense going on around us!
By the way ... great that you did write, I hope that can become a wee bit more often...
The birdy flew into my workshop and couldn't find the way out anymore, knocked himself out on the window...
Happy Modiversary Ed! Thanks for all you do with us...
You sure speak some thruth thruth there.
😬 a wee wee bit more... just that.
Thanks for being a part of my online fam... good to have you.
I feel not a lonely Mad Bro anymore... hehehe
This is what is so freeing!
Becoming a Silver Blogger does that to one; we have reached the STage where realize we don't have to fit into the expected mold. Trying to be the person society expects of us is very harmful, and we've finally learnt the secret!
Thank you for what you do behind the scenes in the engine room, and for being humble and loyal from day one!
I hope the "maybe" becomes more, Dan!
That's exactly it... and for the rest 👇
We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...
Thank you!!
And here, kids even at 3 years young have a cellphone in there hands.
It is freeing to be away sometimes. Welcome back.
Hey remember me? Probably not, I used a different name when I was last here in 2020. I apologize for vanishing on you. 🤠