Memoir Monday #40 - What were your favorite books or stories when you were a child?

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

This is my post for ##memoirmonday #40 What were your favorite books or stories when you were a child? hosted by @ericvancewalton

Dick and Jane, they had a dog called Spot. That was the first book I can remember it was a schoolbook but not anything about what Dick and Jane did, it was first or second grade, it was not my favorite book.

I do not remember us having children's books at home when I was a child but I do remember finding my Dad's stack of Playboys, he had them hidden under the stack of bath towels. Until just now, I have always thought they were Dad's but now I am thinking my oldest brother might have hidden them there, we only had one bathroom and he was 15.

I have written about my 5th grade teacher in the past. She would read to us for one hour after we returned to class after lunch. She started reading Nancy Drew books to us but later switched to The Hardy Boys books. She was the type of person who kept you on the edge of your seat as she read.

When I was a teenager I would read the Harligum Romance books and dream of my future husband. Oh, the fantasies I had.

In my early 20s, I read The Shining and The Stepford Wives, those were the last two books that I have read. When the movies came out I saw them and neither were as good as the book, I have yet to read a book and have a movie be better than the book.

Then I had too many kids to be able to read, I still loved to get lost in a good book but gave it up many, many years ago because as soon as I sat down to read, someone would interrupt me and after reading the same paragraph umpteen times, I gave up on trying to read.
Even now with two in the house, everything will be quiet until I try to read even reading posts on Hive.
photo is mine


I don't read as much as I would like, but I still read books in addition to surfing the web. I also listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I am busy with other stuff.

As a kid, I remember liking Dr. Seuss, Beatrix Potter, Else Holmelund Minarik, Russel and Lillian Hoban, Syd Hoff, and P. D. Eastman, just to name a few authors.

I do not think my generation's parents were into giving books to their kids or maybe it was just my parents. I remember going to my Aunt Mae's house and her having a huge stack of comics that she kept for us to read, she had no kids.

My kids might have had some of the books you mentioned but I only recognize one author, they had his.

I remember frequent visits to the library.

My favorite book was "chacha chowdhury". It was in Bangla language.

Nice to know about your "Book reading adventure".

mine too

My favorite book is called 'sugar girl' that book taught me not to follow strangers or talk to them even if you are stranded

I have never heard of this book, but I bet it is a good one for teaching children about the dangers of life.

Yes it's a very fantastic book

I had the same thing happen to me as you, I only had two children, but motherhood left me with no free time to enjoy reading.
And I agree with you, no movie has been able to improve the books I've read that then went to the seventh art.

The book is always better than the movie! I, too, had less time to read once I became a mother, but I managed to squeeze in a little reading time now and then. I still prefer to go get into my bed to read, because my husband is less likely to interrupt me.

I remember Dick and Jane!

We also had a set of readers about two little Scottish terriers called Mac and Tosh.

Can't remember a word that was in them, though 😍

Hope you get some time to read soon, it sounds like you enjoyed it.