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RE: In your opinion, when is the right time to retire?

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago

@bravofenix, Thank you for your encouraging words, I spoke with a hand surgeon and hopefully, he can fix my hand where there will be no pain, he says the cartridge is gone in 2 places where the bones are rubbing together. Once he does this and I recover from it, I plan to go back fishing but it looks as if I might miss this year's trout season, it is my favorite fish to catch but I need to take care of my hand or I won't be fishing at all.

I hope that one day you can go offshore fishing if you are not doing it for work, it can be a lot of fun. I loved to go out there and do what I call play fishing (for fun).


Perhaps, in this journey of repair and recovery of an important percentage of your health, you will have to take a strategic pause, and without a doubt the price to pay for this will be expensive and sad. But I know that all that will be worth it, and you will be able to return later with much more strength to fully enjoy your beloved trout seasons.

Dear @myjob, despite all the adverse situations you are currently going through in your life, you can feel that you are a lucky and blessed person. Sometimes not all of us have, in our countries of origin, the necessary political and economic conditions that allow us to lead a "normal life" and at the same time dedicate resources and time to an activity that catches our attention or that is like a small dream that was once had.

It is my most sincere wish that your health and that of your dear husband be restored as soon as possible and that we can read, sooner rather than later, a new one of your fishing adventures loaded with the great passion that you feel for Life in the sea!

Take good care of yourselves, and receive a strong and affectionate hug of optimism and faith!


Thank you @bravofenix I am sure I will recover and in a few months be back on the river so I can write more about my fishing days.

I do feel Blessed to live the life I live and the place I live in, and I agree with you, even though I am considered poor, I live better than some people in my country and a lot better than some other countries.