That was a long time ago. I would have still be at primary school. They were good times life seemed pretty easy back then. No air conditioning or ceiling fans in the class rooms, Summer was just hot and you opened a window or wound down the window in your car and turned the fan on.
My strongest summer memories was Sunny-boys triangular ice blocks from the school tuckshop and playing cricket in the backyard.
Those weird looking Sunny-boy ice blocks were popular at our school we would line up at the tuck shop for a rock solid lump of orange flavored ice. It was hard to find a photo of the distinctive tetrahedral shape made out of tetra-pak. A sort of paper cardboard outside with a silver lining, but I found on on pinterest. It is funny I had no idea of a tetra pak at the time but went on to work on a production line that put juice into rectangular ones.
If you were really lucky and found Sunny-boy printed on the inside you got a free one. These ice blocks were hard on the teeth and could take the whole of lunch break for it to melt. If you tried really hard you could suck all the orange flavoring out before the ice melted. I only remember the orange ones for 20 cents but after googling it appears that they came out with other flavours in later years before finally stopping production in the early 90s. I wonder if this was unique to Australia because of our hot climate or it was copied from other parts of the world?
My hubs was English - is - and didn't have them. I remember them soooo well. So good. I remember you'd succck the flavour out and be left with just the ice, and the freebie inside. Such a nice mem. Thanks!
English here - I did see these as a kid, but mostly just home-made ones from Tetra Pak drinks cartons. What we did have, though (and I'm talking all the way back in the 1960's and 70's) was Ice Pops. Same idea as Sunny Boy, but in clear plastic tubes like long thin sausages.
Oh we have those too - they call them zooper doopers!
When I used to teach full time it'd be the only sweet I'd hand out to my kids, and only if it was really hot. They'd fight over the flavours but they were always so grateful when it was sweltering.
I do remember putting juice in cartons in the freezer as well.
Ha the young ones of today are missing out !LOL
It’s not tearable.
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Greetings my friend, it looks like you enjoyed your childhood eating this kind of ice cream.
It gets hot in South Africa too!
We had this:
And these:
Our classrooms didn't have aircons, only the small auditorium where we watched a movie using Betamax😀. We just used our hand fans. I saw those pictures of ice blocks in foreign magazines. Our local version looked different like a cylindrical shape but longer and thinner. These memories make me smile.