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RE: Some amazing hot photos here.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Mr Papillon! You have some lovely mountain scenery there even if it's scorching hot. Try to stay cool if you can, maybe have a burrow underground or something!

You're right in your rant as well, we really are at the mercy of nature ultimately.

 3 years ago  

Hi there Dr. Nicky, thank you for popping in and yes we are in some surviving trouble here.
I wish we had a dungeon to go and hide in.

A national awareness day will go a long way of bringing about awareness about the danger that our deeds are causing.

Ah no man, sorry to hear 🙁 Hope that you can stay out the cauldron.

We have a BBC series at the moment running called Green Planet from the legend that is David Attenborough, that will get some more attention and people thinking again perhaps...

 3 years ago  

David Attenborough is a big fan of mine and when we still had a TV, I watched many of his documentaries. I will ask Mrs. Google about the Green Planet and thank you for the tip.
Let's hope that the doc will indeed wake some powers up.

If I remember right you are in the UK?
My eldest daughter and her family emigrated over there about a year ago.

Yes that's right I'm in the UK, not too far from London! Where did your family move to? Hope they are settling in well!

 3 years ago  

Cool yes, we haven't spoken for a long time and glad that memory is till not on holiday.
They live in Redding and don't ask me where that is. My daughter phones me via video call every Sunday and the place where they are looks very peaceful and nice.

Haha Reading? That's actually not too far from me! There's a park there which is pleasant apparently

 3 years ago  

Oh yeah I do think there's a park there. Her daughter is an acrobatic dancing champion and they love her over there. she is booked to go and dance in a competition in Ireland and I think she has already done one in Wales.
My grandson got himself a Saxophone and the last that I heard he was doing well.

Getting late here Doc and chat soon if you don't mind 😊