We're in a movie? I need to upgrade. I'm still performing on live stage with minimal props and scenery.
I think you're very right, everyone does it. I've just never consciously thought about it until you mentioned it. Thank you. It's so good to get the feedback, to know I'm putting this together in a way that works well.
admits to being one of those fixated on organization types
Well, I'm still of low budget experimental Latin American film stage. So, I'm telling you. It can be worse than having few props. 🤣
Hey, Virginia Woolf showed us all that stories can be put in very weird ways and still be considered as such. Anything goes if the form is consistent.
I think all artists are very organized. Creativity needs to be grounded to work. In chaos, randomness can harm any process till there's nothing at all.
I'm more down with "low budget" fits my choice of lifestyle. Experimental is the best.
Can't argue with that!
I'm not typical of most artists. You haven't had the "funness" of seeing what I've seen. Most artists are, by nature, not organized, at least from what I've seen.
Grounded creativity is an interesting concept. I'm going to chew on that for a while. You're on point about chaos though. Those I've known, who have reached the upper echelons of the niche part of the fine art world I used to be a part of were very organized. It's a must have really. I guess I've seen a spectrum of artists and some absolutely crazy ones too.
Maybe not everything from their lives is organized, but their process tends to be. At least that much I hold to be true. However, my mind can be swayed by compelling arguments about this. There's a lot to learn about people and their ways.
Those are my two cents. Don't spend them at once! 🤣
I've known a whole spectrum of artists. Some are highly organized with their art, but not with other aspects of their lives. Some are extremely organized about everything. Some are more balanced. Some are literally nuts. Some are a "hawt mess". Some are some of the closest friends I have (that's with a selective approach, mind you).
I'm saving those two cents. I need to sit with that concept and explore it more before I spend a teeny, tiny, microscopic part of a cent. Does that make cents?
Some tiny little bit of organization goes on anything. Even messes are organized to some level. But I love the echelons of organization through those lens. A nice way to put it.
Maybe, you'll tell me once you dance with the idea.
You encouraged me to look at the forest. 😉 You're quite right about messes being organized. I've seen that.
I'll most definitely share. 🤣😚
My pleasure. I'm also learning stuff from this exchanges.
That't half of the experience! 😄