Not tongue-tied at all I see. Some pretty wild photos of that quarry lake, loving the reflections and also the gifs you did. One looks like you were shooting from a boat.
Are you careful to avoid snakes before falling off the drop off? Is that how you got that gif shot?
Love the title, total score, btw.
Do you hate scorpions too?
Someone was shooting out there and not blanks either. I'm sure they were using protection but every once in awhile random blasts of echoy canyon is enough to get excited about especially when last thing you heard was a fish saying something about school.
Scorpions, nah. Spiders, whatever else I don't even see them. But I hear snakes everywhere. I got a couple 13's in this one too, wouldn't expect anyone other than me to spot them but they're there. Where the hell did you find that scorpion?
Thanks for checking this one out. The following day we went to another quarry, Pura was with me that time, she complains a lot. She hates flying things and bugs as much as I hate snakes and mosquitos love her so I have to hear about it when she's with me. But that one was even prettier than Mead's. Turquoise'ish water and super clear, the sun was out that day, I could see all the way to the bottom and I have no idea how deep it was.
I'll get it up if it takes every last muscle I got.
💖 Thank you.
Just swoop in on the snakes, grab them in your claws and rip them to shreds with that beak of yours. Always keep an eye out for scorpions, there's two species where you live. They tend to be where you don't expect and nail you when you least expect it. The pic is off the internet. I didn't find any when I was where they are in Canada, much to my great disappointment.
You will, know it and it will be.