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RE: Does Anyone Actually READ My (Your) Stuff?

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago (edited)

If the AI thing is taken to the absurd then AI will blog, and other AI will read and reply. While they make audio, images and video.

"Let my AI get back to your AI on this."

Being called 'agents' they will be like worker bees in the world wide web. In that scenario taking up brushes and starting to paint in real life will be appreciated.

It still can go a lot of ways. Hopefully not the sinister path leading to a dystopian nightmare.

The shiny thing will wear off over time, I do think so too. Already NFTs are flooding the market with AI created content. At some point it gets overwhelming and repetitive, to some also known as boring.

The pragmatic utility will stay. It could be helpful, like smart tools in and around the house. There's a lot of things that might become handy.

And I had fun creating images with some AI tools. In a fantasy way. Which can be entertaining.

Somehow I hope it will be distinguishable if a Computer Intelligence being created something or a homo-sapiens.

In the meantime we keep interacting on platforms like these and in real life on earth.