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RE: The Call

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago

"Meat, it's what's for dinner" - Arby's tag?

Yes, don't eat anything that is close to any commercial monoculture. I hate that we rent the farm land to a corn farmer, but I don't let them spray anywhere near the house, and they use their own cow manure as fertilizer.

I'm glad you've found one treat that is edible. I try to bake for myself with organic everything, or buy from folks who think like I do about food. I remember using tapioca starch and corn starch as egg substitutes. There are ways to get around all this. I have a great chocolate cookie recipe that hits all your marks, I think. Back when I first started breeding, and cooking with allergies in mind was not yet a commercial thing, my babies had facial rashes, that required I avoid all possible allergens. I developed a whole line of cookies that I was hoping to bring to market and make a fortune on. I would have, too. I would have been one of the first. I conducted packaging tests, but never actually sold any. If I can find those recipes, would you like to have them? I used cane sugar in them, but they weren't terribly sweet. No dairy, gluten, eggs. Oat flour.

We're being heavily sprayed today, over here in the Southern Tier of NY. I expect either that we will have an extreme weather event. or we'll soon be on the list o areas where livestock tests positive for avian flu. It's so bad, and so obvious, that I am staying inside today, even though folks are saying what a beautiful day it is.


Farmers, spraying... fertilizing... that 1970s book The Secret Life of Plants (with the final chapter on the "colony" or commune that rejected your friend) ... a whole chapter in that book warns of the pitfalls of chemicals and the superiority of MANURE to fertilize crops, and, half a century later, farmers continue to spray and fertilize.

YES - why didn't you make your fortune back then! Too busy raising three kids...?
You are brilliant. Is there nothing you do not do well, or more than well?
Everything you do seems sublime. Masterful.

If I can find those recipes, would you like to have them? I used cane sugar in them, but they weren't terribly sweet. No dairy, gluten, eggs. Oat flour.

You're idealizing me! I have my failures and flaws! I suck at apologizing, for starters. I'd much rather ignore that I did anything wrong. I did make my fortune back then, such as it is. But I didn't get as rich as I would have if my allergen-free product had been the first one on the shelves. Now there are gazillions of them out there. None of them are as good as mine though. I had chocolate crisps, oatmeal raisin, and ginger snaps all ready for production, when I stopped. I still make them, but now I use butter instead of the toxic canoleo I used back in the day, and eggs instead of egg replacer.

Wait, what? You have flaws? LOL. You're so accustomed to being right all the time, about everything, that it's hard for you to say "I was wrong and I am sorry" if you ever do (gasp!) blunder.... well, as flaws go, I'll take it!!! Me, I'm forever apologetic, even if I'm not at fault, but, but, EVERYTHING is my fault, and I don't do much of anything right, or well, it seems.... yeah, I'd trade ya flaws!

Ooh, and some ginger snaps.
Butter is still dairy, but I sometimes get away with it, and with mild cheese (mozzarella, havarti), but not milk chocolate, not aged cheese, not toffee...
Sugar isn't what I miss most. It's my mom's tomato soup made with butter, condensed milk, and tomatoes canned from her own garden. I miss white bread and butter.
If you use butter and eggs, it's unsafe for me, and back I go to flax seed meal + olive oil.
The fake butters, no, no - all are full of garbage ingredients.

Ok, you must have another failing... your standards are so high, others don't live up? And they can sense that you know you could have done better whatever they did so inadequately?

Never mind. I don't think about your alleged failings - just your endless accomplishments and talent!