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RE: Memoir Monday week 14 How is life different today compared to when you were a child?

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago

Your stories of what has changed are always riveting for me. So much! And often the changes are for the worse for just about everyone except for those with money to demand the changes so that they can live like they see on TV, or have been told is a good way to live. You had so many cool adventures! Rant on. I like your rants.


Thank you for your awesome comments, you always know how to make me smile. It is true, change is never good for us or nature.

Natural change would be good for all of us, if consumerism were not the game most of us play now. Flux is natural. TPTB try to eradicate anything that refuses to do as it's told.

Nature changing this is one thing, man changing things is bad.
I had to look up tptb, this is what I got "Let every soul submit himself unto the authority of the higher powers. There is no power but of God. The powers that be, are ordained of God".

oh! That's not what I meant! Good to know. I think of the powers that be to be quite contrary to anything ordained by God, even though some of them claim to be just that, like zionists. Hold on. Maybe they are the same thing, since zionists seem very much to be the ultimate powers that be on the planet today.