
It seems that the younguns have found a passion, spending countless hours on their phone.

It's not only the younguns. Most everyone I know has their phone in reach, if not in their hands, at all times. I'm trying to hardly use it at all. Curiously, it is no longer possible to conduct many activities without a smart phone, or very difficult.

So true, occasionally we'll go out to dinner and without fail, there will be people at the restaurant with their phones out. kids and adults alike. When I see a couple having dinner and they both are busy texting away during their dinner I wonder, do they have nothing to talk about.

We've got the surgeon general all worried about the addictive nature of social media, but I suspect it's the frequency of the devices themselves that is the addictive component. They suck us in. she says as she sits typing madly away at her computer, first thing every single morning

A phone is one thing, people take it everywhere, without fail. Typing away while here on #hive is a whole different story. I don't know about you, but the last time I went out I left the desktop on the desk.😁