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RE: Some amazing hot photos here.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

The powermongers are only interested in profits my friend. So to cut a forest down and build new houses means a lot of money for them. To own a coal mine scarring the earth and the burning coal in the power stations sending toxic fumes into the atmosphere means money for them.
In my mind, plastic was one of the most evil inventions ever, just go and ask the oceans.
Sorry, but I am just not fond of destroying the earth and creating a doom for the children in the future.

Oh yes it get's frightening hot under the African sun.
Glad that you liked the photos and all of the best to you and yours.

Have some !PIZZA


I agree that plastic is a terrible invention that has caused terrible damage to the planet.

Thanks for your good wishes and the pizza. Cheers!

 3 years ago  
