Nope, no need to apologize as life is indeed hectic nowadays. The months only fly by.
I saw it on discord and you can delete it. Will tip you off when we will go there again.
Nope, no need to apologize as life is indeed hectic nowadays. The months only fly by.
I saw it on discord and you can delete it. Will tip you off when we will go there again.
Yes! I am looking forward to it. I will obviously respond much quicker on the phone. I am only young once, so the body can still take this workload, but it is not sustainable in the long run.
It turned out that your number was already on Marian's phone. (I don't have a phone).
So I will let you know in advance when we will do our next visit to the coding project.
Above all, don't lose your Elan, your fighting spirit and your uniqueness, as they are precious qualities that you were blessed with.
I am working on them! The academy has a way of biting you as well. I am a newbie in the space and I already understand why most lecturers and proffies are who they are!
Somehow your replies slipped through the loadshedding net.
Well, even as a newbie, you also have your dad to guide you.
Good that you know that as may be useful one day.
My dad warned me this morning again about the dangers of burnout and how long the recovery is from it. So I really need to turn down the pace a little and find a working balance.
Absolute true. Our first burn out was really hard to recover from, but as soon as we started feeling better, we were at it again, working day and night. The second burn out was a totally different thing and I had to go in for a very tricky operation to unblock the right artery that feeds my brain. They said that it would take 3 years to recover, and we are now in the fourth year, and I am still not fully recovered.
So please watch yourself and get the balance right.
I think me and the girl had a very productive talk today regarding this issue. I am headed toward this route and it will not be very good for either of us. So I am going to try and find this elusive balance we all search for! No more working 10-12 hours straight even if I miss deadlines.