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RE: Some lovely landscapes today.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

I call it life's conditioning as we were created as basic creatures to work the land and raise our families.
But we have that tricky word "want" inside of all of us. A want that can never be satisfied.
It is that same want that has created all of the problems that we face now.
Learn to control the want and then one's life will become less hectic.

Thank you!


Now you are super boosting the wisdom. It is the want that is at the heart of it or at least the controlling of it. Thanks another thing I have been trying, unsuccessfully so far to pass on

 3 years ago  

Just logical sense my friend. Controlling the want means that there will be no wars, no scams and only peace will reign. We will all help each other and want only the best for all, instead of only for ourselves.
Such is life.