Dilemna. Affirmation versus "Hobby from Hell!"

in Silver Bloggers9 days ago (edited)

Affirmation!  Basking in the glow of it!!  How powerful is our desire to experience it?  And, ideally, to keep it coming?

Source: Creator mooremeditation on Pixabay

What on earth do any answers to these questions have to do with my reference to "Hobby from Hell?"

Welcome to one person's reflections and the answer to this question which follows.

Backstory:  "
Hobby from Hell

Somewhere in my long discovery phase, I ran across the Family History community. While it is of considerable interest to me and an area in which I have a lot of experience, I have not joined it.

    • post was very well done.  It certainly brings to life the whole idea behind this hobby, in general, as well as illustrating the power of AI brought to bear on it, in particular. Note:  If this topic is of interest to you, in any way, I thought @jarvie's relatively recent

Source: Image on Pixabay

An obvious follow-up question is why I would choose then to touch on it briefly in this post?  Simply that it provides the most powerful quote related to the main topic of it which I have ever heard.

What was that?

Over the years of researching family history, I had many experiences and a lot of interactions with others.  Somewhere along the way there was a comment which seemed to be right in the bullseye:

"Family history is the hobby from hell.  The better you get at it, the more work you have to do!"
    • Source: Yes, I understand the importance of sourcing. After a considerable effort to find any quote like this, I gave it up. Hopefully my readers are willing to take my word for it.

And the more work you have to do, the more time it takes to complete it.  Particularly if done well.

Power of

Far, far below what many others have experienced, even in the short time I have been contributing content to Hive, I have at least been provided a glimpse of a key to the power of its attraction.

In one word?  Affirmation!

Source 1: Creator johnhain on Pixabay
Source 2: Creator TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay

A key?  Or the key?  The answer will be subjective.  The effort any particular one of us might put forward to obtain it will vary.  I cannot imagine, though, there would be any serious disagreement about its importance.


In all of the countless variations of interactions between people on Hive, do any of them satisfy this powerful longing within?  Even if just a little bit?  Particularly those which we perceive to be thoughtful?  Genuine?

The answers will again be subjective.  But I believe only the degree to which any one of us would say,



If you are with me so far, what follows?  Now expectations have been raised.  Potentially on both sides of these interactions.  Would tying in words like hope go too far?  Perhaps other words associated with the idea of powerful motivational forces?

Whatever our answer, I would suggest we project them into our future.

Source: Creator geralt on Pixabay

We liked what we experienced.  Expectations have subsequently been raised.  We would like to experience it again.  What will that require of us?

There are many subjective answers.  With one universal constant backing them.


More and more and more time ...

As we all continue on along the path of our interacting on the Hive blockchain, experiencing the marvel and wonder of these new virtual worlds, are there some hard realities with which we are confronted?

Source: Creator Sanet_Nieuwoudt on Pixabay

    • Note: The creative process is a mystery.  At least to me.  Following up on my initial impulse to place the Hive logo way down in this image somewhere, to illustrate the closing of my post, I ultimately changed my mind.  It just didn't seem right.

The allure is undeniable.  Is that not so, at least initially, for most?  As we interact with other people, all over the world?

If so, at what price do we participate?


Memories of the past.  Reflections on the present.  Thoughts about our future.  All are in play, as I spend time evaluating what I am going to do to achieve a healthy balance in my contributing to the addition of future content.

If I cannot do that, I will almost certainly stop contributing.  And just go back to reading posts here and there, as time and opportunity permit.

This is me, being open and honest.  How about others who may be reading this?  What are your views about any of these topics?  Or any related topics, like the ongoing discussion starting here which I have been having with @minismallholding about community?

All are welcome.

Best wishes, until we meet again,


Source: Courtesy of @ mondoshawan


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Hello @quark.top

Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.


Thank you kindly, @hive-106316 / @tengolotodo!

"... for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated."

👍 🤝

Certainly the power of the law of attraction can strengthen the value of our merits.

It is almost impossible to be 100% satisfied after fulfilling expectations, but that is the way to the realization of goals.

Thank you for stopping by, @neblomax, and sharing your perspective. 🤝

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I believe the process of construction is a continuous process that always grow our experience whether we are directly adding input or just curating contents.
Organic growth at your own pace is the solution in my opinion.

This is an interesting translation into English, @oadissin. I think I get the general idea of what these words are conveying, from your perspective. Thank you for stopping by to share it.

@quark.top, I paid out 0.361 HIVE and 0.090 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.