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RE: In your opinion, when is the right time to retire?

I wasn't a full-time career woman, so "retirement" for me looks pretty much life like has always looked, just less people to cook for with the family all grown up. But I remember my older brother saying he wasn't going to retire until he had defined retirement. He is almost 79 now, and retired quite some time ago. He has kept active, hiking all over the mountains where he lives, and he has volunteered for various groups and activities from time to time. He planned what he was going to do with his extra time once he quit working. He enjoyed his job, but hiking was already his favorite hobby and now he has more time to go hiking. My husband, on the other hand, retired rather abruptly and has too much time on his hands, and no hobbies. His self-esteem was wrapped up in his job, and without that job, his self-esteem went downhill and he became depressed. So I think it's important to have figured out something else to do that you like to do, and which gives you satisfaction, before you retire from a job you really like.


Thanks, that is good advice, but here comes the BUT, I do not know what I like more than fishing. I like to hunt for fossils on the islands but now too many people have found out about them so they are hard to find, I used to love going to the beach, but now they are too crowded, I like going places and using a metal detector but now you are banned from using one on public land where you might find something. Maybe I can find something else that I like to do, and I just have not found it, yet.