Interesting point about passive income (putting it in italics is starting align it dangerously close to passive aggression in my head. Perhaps there is a relationship) 😁
I think everything has some work involved somewhere, even if it's only filling in your tax return (that can be more work than it sounds) and handing over your cheque.
I think curation rewards are passive income under those rules - I see it more as pleasure: two or three times a day, I'm having a cup of tea and spending ten minutes having a look to see who is writing about what. It's not really work, is it? More like reading a magazine, which so far no one has rewarded me for.
I get some income from property. Under a certain threshold, you're not required to either report or pay taxes on it, but there is definitely work involved and sometimes it's emotional labour.
Even crypto, well, you have to keep checking the prices, don't you? 😂
Every single day, it's an obsession. Same for looking to see if there has been any action on my posts, like addiction. There are days I wish I would stop! I've been sitting here for 90 minutes this morning already. But it is pleasurable, so it counts as passive income in my book too.
Funny about passive aggressive, how we now almost conflate those two words, as if being passive is an affront.