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RE: Spirit of the Glass.... And Other Spooky Moments!

I had a scary experience too with the Sprit of the Glass back in high school days in the Philippines. The glass moved as it answered our questions and they were all correct. We dared the spirit to bang the door if he/she is real and we got the scare of our lives when it did! We all scrambled to get out of the room and we never, never played the spirit of the glass again.

Sort: should never challenge the power of the spirits. When we did ours, we quietly ended the session and said good bye to the spirits... we never did it again.

I know, lesson learned! I believe too that the spirit of the dead comes back to visit living relatives and friends. There was one weekend when I was alone in the house, hubby was at work and my mom and brother who are living with us were out on an errand. I heard somebody came in I turned to look who was it. Nobody. Maybe my dad who passed away last 2016 kept me company.

Well, we are not scared when our Dads visit us, are we? I would like to be visited by my dad to tell him so many things, things that I was not able to tell him before he departed. I was talking to him over the phone an hour before he passed away. He was just listening and his tears came down rolling during the time I was talking to him. But I was able to tell him about my mom that he should not worry at all for we will take care of her. And that was just the worry he had in his heart. I think he had been enlightened to hear my voice, about taking care of mom and my farewell to him.