Hello Hello Hivians.
The first weekend is Spring was a bizarre one. I got hit with a cold at the end of the week. A week in which we had glorious sunshine. So we started Spring with worse weather than the tail end of Winter, and I felt worse than I had in the whole of Winter!
Not to worry. The great thing about pain and feeling shite is that we know we are still alive!
Did you see George Foreman passed away a couple of days ago? That was a shame, apart from being a fluffing outstanding boxer he became a household name at least here in the UK with his range of George Foreman grills! I always liked Big George maybe as his middle name was Edward, because looking back on his life I don't actually remember any of his fights!
Of course we had the Rumble in the Jungle which I don't actually remember just what I read or watch!
That was the scene a few days ago in late afternoon!
Spring is here when you see the yellow daffodils all over the place!
Simple yet gorgeous they.
It also got me thinking...
I was speaking to someone who is a lover of yellow. I said that I love yellow too! She turned around and said but you love blue. To which I responded I love lots of colours.
I especially love the colour of yellow and blue!
There are some gorgeous colour combinations don't you think?
A little while later as I was heading home, another colour came and hit me.
Do you see it? No I don't mean the fluff off big bus that came careering round the corner and nearly knocked me off the street.
I love that shot as the pillars of the park entrance and the same red sandstone colour as the house in the first picture.
But the colour was the colour of this tiny cute wee car.
I remember years ago, real men didn't wear pink or salmon coloured shirts or t shirts.
What a load of claptrap I must admit I wear what I want and almost always have done.
Pink is pink, peach is peach and salmon is salmon and I shall wear whatever the fluff I want.
My suits used to quite often be a shade of olive green. Get a tan and I would wear any colour.
So yes blue is my favourite colour, but I will wear almost anything.
The reason why is that I am a Chromophile!
It doesn't need to be black or white it just needs to have a bit of colour in it!
Chromatophilia – sometimes used for love of colour generally (alongside, e.g., melanophilia, xanthophilia, leukophilia as love of black, yellow, white, respectively)
This is what greeted me on Thursday morning! Frost, it was a kicker of a week and was fluffing cold at night..
But the point of the picture is...
Red ~ Another colour!
Okay when I say colour I think I mean bright colours.
Bright and beautiful, it brightens up a day!
Talking about brightening up a day, I collected our painting we painted on Valentine's Day during the week...
Can you guess which half I painted?
Now that I have it, I can make a post documenting the creation process!
Thanks so much for popping in and have a great new week!
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo March 25th 2025
Love the painting and yes, I bet you colored the blue side. Color brings so much life into our lives. I love them all!
Hehe yep blue side was mine lol You are right though, colour does bring so much :)
I'm guessing the right side which has more colours 😁
Hehe actually no, although that side seems to have most honey!
Chromophile! What a wonderful disorder to have! Sure beats the other very bad --philes. Sorry to hear about the cold. It was sad to hear George Foreman had passed away, he seemed like such a nice man and had those cool grills!
So from the comments you did the blue side I see, very cool. Blues bring out so much, great colors! Take care my friend!
You got it, I do like that phile compared to others!
I did the blue side as you read. Yeah a shame about George Foreman, and now it seems we hear of people passing daily or at least weekly.
I guess the good news is that it isn't us on the list so far!
Theyre super sketchy
Credit: reddit
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hehe and let's keep it like that!
Would you believe me if I told you that I am also a friend of colors! ? I love yellow, red, green, blue, pink (by the way, the girl with the pink car looked at you with a bad face). It's a very boring world without colors (mind you, I also like grays). My philosophy of life is if you can like many things, why only choose one. A multicolored arm, Ed!
I know you love colours and yes I know you like you pink too! Haha yeah not sure if looking at me or trying to cross the road as she was trying to get out!
Now then I totally agree, like many things and don't just stick to having one! A big multicoloured hug Nancy
I learnt a new word tonight Ed! If you have Chromatophilia, I'm guessing you painted the right hand side?
Cute little pink car! And the red one...
Hope you're feeling better already🤗
Hehe I am blue through and through with Rangers so I was on the left side.
The cars are cute if you are a hamster!
In general, I like all colors. My grandson asks me what my favorite color is; his is red, and he wants to eat off red plates and wear red clothes, but I have a hard time choosing just one. The colors call to me, and I choose what to wear based on my mood.
I don't understand why they made blue for boys and pink for girls. I love a pink shirt for men; it generally looks good on them.
I hope for better soon. Beautiful photos.
I'm still saving a little.
Best regards.
The blue for boys and pink for girls was a bit silly. Originally it was the other way around!
In the 19th century, pink was considered a stronger color as it was derived from red and so it was associated with boys. While blue was seen as more delicate and feminine, and sometimes linked to the Virgin Mary.
I think that is why you. like many women like a pink shirt on a man!
Chromophile? That is an interesting word, @tengolotodo. Are we not thankful then for the infinite variety of colors in our big, wide world? To think, the original photographs, televisions, etc. started out trying to simulate that world only able to turn out shades of gray. And computer screens were only able to render images in monochrome.
Yeas, George Foreman was memorable, as I used to watching boxing a lot. He was very strong and very angry in his prime. His demolition of Joe Frazier comes to mind.
Seems he mellowed considerably, with age, so nice to see you refer to him that way, as I would imagine he would far prefer that be the way he is remembered.
Oh yes technology has come on in leaps and bounds as it always does. 50 shades of grey is fine and dandy but I prefer the variety of colours!
Yes I have seen clips of Foreman and Frazier and Foreman and Ali of course but didn't see the fights live.
Yes unfortunately as we age the more we hear of people we have heard of passing away.
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Oh I love getting this badge, I do try to get a strek going! Have a great week buzzy :)
The painting is pretty and I bet you painted the left side with the blue color😌😌.
Hehe you know it!