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RE: Yesterday the Red Rag | Today the Black Flag

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago


Now then, someone as Mrs T would has their big girl pants on with big words like that 😉
I must admit I use it as a mediator and played that role in Algeria once when working near Oran. During the troubles, there was a stand off between fundamentalists and villagers, I became the mediator and go between but it was a good result as the hostages got released unharmed.
Fun fact about interlocutor is it is a term in Scots Law and where I first came across it first hand as it is a court order that addresses a part of a case before the final judgment is pronounced.
I digress totally! I remember you saying your knitting went awry so thanks for the heads up re the art degree.
And I went and saw the Knit Happens Wednesdays from Jan 8th, that might be of interest to Mrs T!
The Finish it Friday sounds a good thing too! I am forever saying to Mrs T , so that is another WIP!


so that is another WIP!

The occupational hazard of the maker!